Re: 凱特要跟布萊德彼特演戲!?

看板Cate作者 (Do Your Worst)時間19年前 (2005/05/05 01:01), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《jcyl (窮...)》之銘言: : 凱特跟小(?)布又有第二部電影要合作了! : 而且還是David Fincher的片子! : 還是部科幻片喔! : woohoo!!! : Pitt & Blanchett Aboard Fincher's Button : Source: Variety May 4, 2005 : Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett are in talks to star in the long-gestating : adaptation of the F. Scott Fitzgerald story The Curious Case of Benjamin : Button, which David Fincher is directing from a script by Eric Roth. : Variety says Paramount Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures are co-financing : the project, with Paramount handling domestic rights and WB taking : international. Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall are producing. : The story centers on an elderly man who gets younger as time passes and : encounters complications when, at age 50, he falls in love with a woman : who is 30. : Pitt is working with Blanchett on a second Paramount project, Babel, : which Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is directing. He next stars in Mr. : and Mrs. Smith and his other upcoming projects include Chad Schmidt for : Columbia Pictures. : Oscar winner Blanchett (The Aviator) recently signed on to star in The : Good German with George Clooney and Tobey Maguire. 喂... 誰去勸勸這位阿姐 不要得了獎就亂接戲 現在確定拍的有兩部 有兩部還在考慮中 加上這一部新消息、跟可能回鍋的「Golden Age」 她明年年可能出現5部片喔... 妮可姐附身嗎? 還有,這女人狂接戲又很想再生兩個孩子 到時候因為懷孕又推掉已簽約的好戲,這是該怎麼辦!? -- 【拿了小金人】凱特布蘭琪【期待Little Fish】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 05/05, , 1F
拜託凱特姐不要再想生孩子的事了!!!!! 05/05, 1F 05/05, , 2F
也還好啦 好片不嫌多 趁勝追擊啊! 05/05, 2F
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