
看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間19年前 (2005/01/22 17:29), 編輯推噓0(001)
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Blanchett is set to play Beatrix Potter in the new Bruce Beresford's movie http://movies.monstersandcritics.co...rticle_3739.php http://www.darkhorizons.com/news05/050121i.php "Cate Blanchett is set to star in a new feature film about the life of author Beatrix Potter, under the working title "Miss Potter." David Kirschner, Mike Medavoy and Corey Sienega are producing with Bruce Beresford set to direct via David Kirschner Productions. The film will follow the famous children's author's lonely life, which was beset by isolation and illness. These circumstances resulted in her empathy with animal and the natural world as well as developing her imagination. The film will also highlight her battle against the norms of the day as a woman writing in 19th-century England and her eventual triumph. We assume Blanchett is cast as Beatrix Potter herself, but are awaiting confirmation. Potter created many famous characters such as Peter Rabbit, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle and Tom Kitten. Further details and confirmation when we get them." 「波特夫人」將描寫童書「彼得兔」作者比翠絲波特的一生,她充滿病痛、寂寞的人 生,以及寫童書與社會規範抗戰的心路歷程。 導演是「溫馨接送情」的Bruce Beresford、現在就等凱特確認出演。 這個彼得兔計畫大概已經傳了兩年多了,之前聽到的最新消息是導演曾和凱特一起用餐, 最後他又跟凱特提醒這個應該去前年底開拍的電影;但是凱特嚇一跳,因為那時候她要拍 「海海人生」,直說是不是搞錯了!?凱特檔期不合,導演可能另覓女主角,但計畫就一 直沒下文,現在可能導演在等凱特的允肯出演。 看起來還不錯的計畫,我希望凱特能謹慎考慮過後接受演出! 阿姐現在手邊沒有「確定」的片約耶,雖然有很多「預定」計畫,但是沒一個確定的, 「Golden Age」凱特還沒答應呢。應該拍新電影了,不然會消失啦... -- 年頭必是大紅人 年尾提名她沒份~ 凱特‧布蘭琪 今年雙片氣勢高 凱特女王將淚噴~ CATE BLANCHETT 【鍥而不捨】【鬼影迷蹤】【神鬼玩家】【海海人生】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: paulik 來自: (01/22 17:43) 01/23, , 1F
跟哈利波特沒關係喔..XD 01/23, 1F
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