
看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2005/01/01 20:43), 編輯推噓0(000)
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昨天的紐約時報有一篇關於今年最佳男配角(大部分討論男配角)的文章 裡面也有提到凱特的部分 ^^ First-Rate Acting in Secondary Roles By STEPHEN HOLDEN Published: December 31, 2004 原文經過刪減 原文http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/31/movies/31note.html?oref=login The most arresting performance in "The Aviator," Martin Scorsese's biopic of Howard Hughes, is Ms. Blanchett's outsize impersonation of the young Hepburn. Adopting Hepburn's patrician Yankee accent and mannish stride, the Australian actress becomes an ur-Hepburn who sets the movie on fire when she sashays into view. In the most thrilling scene, she and Hughes (played by Leonardo DiCaprio in a fierce lead performance that is a triumph of acting over leftover baby fat) fly one of his planes over Los Angeles, a ruling god and goddess in full glory, gazing down on the American Olympus. But a movie like "The Aviator" presents a challenge to actors who lack Ms. Blanchett's alchemical gifts, which throw the weaknesses of the other performances into high relief. Compared with Ms. Blanchett's Hepburn, Jude Law's Errol Flynn is a mannerly wimp and Kate Beckinsale's Ava Gardner a pallid, juiceless spitfire manqu馥. wow...又一篇對凱特演出評價超好的文章 凱特演凱特是本片最引人注目的演出! 重點在這裡: But a movie like "The Aviator" presents a challenge to actors who lack Ms. Blanchett's alchemical gifts, which throw the weaknesses of the other performances into high relief. 凱特布蘭琪小姐「爐火純青」的演技,其實也讓其他演員鬆了口氣 反正她已經演得太好了,其他像裘德洛、凱特貝琴薩演技上的缺陷就不會拿來被比較 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: paulik 來自: (01/01 20:56) ※ 編輯: paulik 來自: (01/01 20:56)
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