
看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/12/06 00:04), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Blanchett talks about playing Hepburn, dropping Closer and Oscars From MSNBC Dec. 13 issue She arrived with "Elizabeth," and now Cate Blanchett is tackling Katharine Hepburn in Martin Scorsese's "The Aviator." The Oscar nominee spoke with a fellow Aussie, NEWSWEEK's Nicki Gostin. - How fabulous a time did you have wearing Hepburn's wardrobe? All those slacks! I felt completely at home in her persona锪n trousers, sweaters and trench coats. Whenever Marty had me in a dress, I felt so out of place. - Does it bug you when people say you are impersonating Hepburn rather than portraying her? I'll be disappointed if people think it's an impersonation. I suppose that's the assumption because you're playing someone iconic. - There's a moment in the film when Howard Hughes accuses Hepburn of always acting. Can you relate? I think very few people are interested in the craft of acting, which is actually to demask, to reveal what it is to be human. It's also just a clich? that actors are like that in real life. I'm not. I don't project when I go buy milk. - Can you project whether you'll win an Oscar? [Laughs] Don't jump the gun! This film was the most difficult thing I've ever had to do. If it's well received that will be the biggest relief. - When Scorcese offered you the role, did you say, as a joke, "I'll think about it"? I played hard to get for about two and a half seconds. No, I was in shock. - He talks so fast. Was he hard to understand? You get into his rhythm. But I do find that when I'm around people who talk fast, it makes me speak really, really slow. - You were going to be in "Closer" and then you got pregnant and had to drop out. Or were you just feeling sorry for Julia Roberts and thought you'd throw her a bone? [Laughs] I hear she's fantastic in the film. In the end I think the right thing happens and films get made the way they should. - I read that you like making to-do lists. It's very satisfying. But I think the greatest thing is vacuuming and the sound of the dirt being sucked up. My vacuum has a clear cylinder so you can actually watch it. -- 年頭必是大紅人 年尾提名她沒份~ 凱特‧布蘭琪 今年雙片氣勢高 凱特女王將淚噴~ CATE BLANCHETT 【鍥而不捨】【鬼影迷蹤】【神鬼玩家】【海海人生】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: paulik 來自: (12/06 00:08)
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