
看板Cate作者 (OK,OK)時間20年前 (2004/05/18 05:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Hugo Weaving ("The Matrix" & "The Lord of the Rings" trilogies) and Sam Neill ("Jurassic Park" series) are in talks to join Cate Blanchett and Martin Henderson in the crime thriller Little Fish, reports Variety. Written by Jacquelin Perske, the film is an emotionally charged thriller in which a girl clings to the hope of a new life as her brother and ex-boyfriend threaten to destroy her chance of happiness by embarking on one last criminal venture. The Myriad Pictures feature, which marks Australian director Rowan Woods' second film, is set to start shooting on location in Australia in October. 雨果維明(駭客任務、魔戒)與山姆尼爾(侏儸紀公園)正被邀請加入凱特布蘭琪 主演的電影「Little Fish」演出 這部電影是部驚悚片,描述一位曾經染上毒癮的女子,一心想脫離現況、尋找新生活, 但是她的哥哥與前男友卻不斷威脅並阻斷她的新生! 今年10月在澳洲開拍! 紐澳演員全到齊 真是一部南太平洋到極點的片子! -- http://psiloveyou.idv.lv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #10gJC9nr (Cate)