
看板Cate作者 (凱特布蘭琪板New Open!)時間20年前 (2004/03/04 07:33), 編輯推噓1(100)
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今年奧斯卡已經結束,一些影評人開始觀望明年的奧斯卡風向 影評人BILL ZWECKER預測明年可能出現的大片 http://www.suntimes.com/output/oscars/cst-ftr-zp03.html 凱特女王與李奧納多主演的「The Aviator」當然是強棒 他提到這部片時寫道: *''The Aviator'' -- Martin Scorsese's sweeping look at the life and loves of Howard Hughes could put Leonardo DiCaprio in the brightest spotlight he's faced since ''Titanic.'' The actor will share that spotlight, come November, with Cate Blanchett playing Katharine Hepburn, Kate Beckinsale as Ava Gardner and Gwen Stefani vamping as sexy Jean Harlow. According to MSNBC, Scorsese really wanted Blanchett for his film. He reportedly told his casting director ''get me that girl who was in 'Elizabeth,' If you can't get her, get me the girl in 'Veronica Guerin.' If you can't get her, get me the girl in 'The Shipping News.''' Blanchett, natch, was the ''girl'' he was thinking of -- starring in all three of those pictures. 馬丁大師這樣告訴他的選角指導: 「給我那個在『伊莉莎白』的女孩,如果不行,就要『鍥而不捨』裡面那個女孩,再不行 ,給我『真情快遞』的那一個!」 這真是我聽過最棒的讚美凱特的話! 可見馬丁是多麼希望凱特來演出他的電影~~ 我太期待了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

推 03/05, , 1F
推 03/05, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #10HcjUrU (Cate)
文章代碼(AID): #10HcjUrU (Cate)