Re: [情報] Boyzone Dec. 節目一覽表 (12/7新增)置底

看板Boyzone作者 (Boyzone 11月要來台灣!!)時間16年前 (2008/12/01 21:39), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《yupinger (Boyzone 11月要來台灣!!)》之銘言: Boyzone 在12月會常在英國的電視節目中出現 雖然我們沒辦法即時收看 但現在網路無遠弗屆 相信到時就會有影片出現 如果有影片出現我會po在這篇文章提供連結給大家收看! 以下是Boyzone會上的節目及時間: 11/30 Here Come The Boys Boyzone perform Better and a medley of No Matter What, Love Me For A Reason and Picture Of You for this one-off music special to raise awareness of testicular cancer alongside other male artists such as Will Young and Tom Jones 影片連結 12/1 Under The Skin Of Boyzone 已新增 網址同上 Boyzone discuss what makes them tick, who their influences are and what their future plans are 12/4 The Paul O'Grady Show 已新增 網址同上 Boyzone perform Better and are interviewed 12/10 The Jingle Bell Ball 已新增 Boyzone, The Pussycat Dolls and The Script perform 訪問 照片 12/16 The Childline Concert (live) 12/19 The Childline Concert (TV broadcast) Nicky from Westlife hosts the show, which will also feature performances by Boyzone, Shayne Ward, Scouting For Girls, The Script, Alphabeat and The Saturdays. 12/19 The Late Late Show Boyzone Special Boyzone special featuring their families, friends and some special guests, plus the Boyz themselves of course! 12/30 The Graham Norton Holiday Show Boyzone will be interviewed and performing -- Boyzone回來了! 期待2009新專輯&台灣演唱會!!! 歡迎參觀豬小妹的窩 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(

12/01 22:43, , 1F
Here comes the boys在Youtube上找的到囉!
12/01 22:43, 1F
※ 編輯: yupinger 來自: (12/14 21:42)
文章代碼(AID): #19C-aFut (Boyzone)
文章代碼(AID): #19C-aFut (Boyzone)