Re: [情報] Blur announce new ‘Live at Wembley

看板Blur作者 (榭俐霏)時間1周前 (2024/09/23 23:17), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 3天前最新討論串4/4 (看更多) 上篇已經有板友推文預購的連結了! 博客來這裡也可以買 很多紀念小物精緻值得收藏 期待10/4 有搶頭香的朋朋記得來分享下喔! ※ 引述《cherified (榭俐霏)》之銘言: : : CD這裡買 : : CD+DVD組 : 亞馬遜這裡買 : M9 : 27&language=en-GB : ※ 引述《cherified (榭俐霏)》之銘言: : : lb : um : : -to-accompany-new-documentary-and-concert-film-3762744 : : : : Blur announce new ‘Live at Wembley Stadium’ album to accompany new docum en : ta : : ry and concert film : : Their new album will arrive this July, whilst their brand-new concert film w : il : : l land in cinemas this September - find all details here : : By : : Alex Rigotti : : 5th June 2024 : : Blur have announced their new ‘Live at Wembley Stadium’ album, which wil l : ac : : company their brand-new documentary and concert film – find all details b el : ow : : . : : The band took to social media to share the news, posting a teaser trailer of : t : : heir huge Wembley gigs that took place last July. While there, Blur played t : o : : over 150,000 fans across two nights at the stadium. Now, over a year later , : a : : live concert album of the Wembley gigs will be released this July 26 – it : s : : currently available to pre-order now here. : : If that wasn’t enough, Blur have officially announced their concert film of : t : : he Wembley gigs: Blur: Live at Wembley Stadium. It is set to arrive in cin em : as : : across the UK & Ireland on September 6. Ticket and cinema details will be s : ha : : red soon. : : It will be their second upcoming film, alongside their previously-announce d : re : : union documentary To The End. The feature-length documentary will land in ci : ne : : mas on July 19. You can book tickets for To The End here. : : NME attended the Blur Wembley gigs last July, dubbing them “stadium-sized e : ru : : ptions of pure, utter joy” in a five-star review: “At one point, [frontm an : D : : amon] Albarn turns to us and says, “You’re properly mad, you lot, for st ic : ki : : ng with us for so long.” Well, the proof is here. : : “This two-hour performance shows that Blur have soundtracked the audience : s : : lives with real emotional impact. James recently called the making of thei r : ne : : w album an “utter joy”. It’s clear that fans would say the same about t on : ig : : ht.” : : Along with classics such as ‘Song 2’ and ‘Girls & Boys’, Blur played t ra : ck : : s off their most recent album ‘The Ballad of Darren‘, which NME gave fou r : st : : ars: “Unlike many of their peers, there has never been a timelessness to a : Bl : : ur album – that’s a good thing. When you listen to ‘Modern Life Is Rubb is : h : : ’ now, you can feel disdain for the culture that surrounded them, or the ra : w : : confusion of heartbreak on 1999’s ‘13’; they have a way of transporting y : ou : : to a precise moment or emotion. : : “It’s why ‘The Ballad of Darren’ is so memorable and touching: you can f : ee : : l it, everything, in every line sung or note played. Speaking to NME last we : ek : : , Rowntree says that when they were recording, “everything we tried, work ed : ” : : , and that “magic was in the air”. It is keenly felt here; may it never fa : de : : away.” : : Damon Albarn announced in December that it was time to “wrap up” Blur ag ai : n, : : reasoning: “It’s too much for me. It was the right thing to do and an i mm : en : : se honour to play these songs again, spend time with these guys, make an a lb : um : : , blah-blah-blah.” : : He continued: “I’m not saying I won’t do it again, it was a beautiful s uc : ce : : ss, but I’m not dwelling on the past.” : : After a rocky performance at Coachella Festival’s first weekend – in whi ch : A : : lbarn told the lacklustre crowd: “You’re never seeing us again so you mi gh : t : : as well fucking sing it” – the frontman later claimed that the weekend t wo : p : : erformance was “probably our last gig”. : : Albarn had previously spoken with KROQ about the Coachella audience, sayin g: : : “I don’t know, it’s a weird one Coachella when it comes to audience you k : no : : w. It’s hard to know sometimes because they’re quite sort of on their ow n : pl : : anet really.” : : In other news, Damon Albarn has revealed he didn’t want to perform during t : he : : second night of Blur’s Wembley shows. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:

09/30 01:03, 3天前 , 1F
推 已經預購了,很期待!
09/30 01:03, 1F
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