[分享] Magic America 歌詞中譯

看板Blur作者 (五色鳥....)時間3年前 (2020/11/18 21:01), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 3人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
今天是一首歌名據說來自義大利情色頻道的 Magic America Bill Barrett has a simple dream He calls it his plan B Buildings in the sky and the air is sugar-free And everyone is very friendly 比爾巴瑞有個小夢想 他稱這是他的計畫B 摩天大樓的空氣清新 每個人都和藹可親 (Well) Plan B arrived on a holiday Took a cab to the shopping malls Bought and ate until he could do neither anymore Then found love on channel forty-four 計畫B終於在假日實現 搭計程車前往購物中心 購物美食直到無法負荷 在四十四頻道找到真愛 La la la la la He wants to go to magic America La la la la la He'd like to live in magic America With all those magic people 啦 他想前往神奇美國 啦 他想住在神奇美國 充滿所有神奇人們 Bill Barrett sent his postcards home To everyone he'd ever known they read Fifty nine cents gets you a good square meal From the people who care how you feel 比爾巴瑞寄出明信片 寄給每個他認識的人 59美分讓你輕鬆果腹 來自那關心你的人們 La la la la la He wants to go to magic America La la la la la He'd like to live in magic America With all the magic people With all the magic people 啦 他想前往神奇美國 啦 他想住在神奇美國 充滿所有神奇人們 充滿所有神奇人們 La la la la la He wants to go to magic America La la la la la He'd like to live in magic America La la la la la So nice to be in magic America La la la la la He'd like to live in magic America 啦 他想前往神奇美國 啦 他想住在神奇美國 啦 真好 待在神奇美國 啦 他想住在神奇美國 With all the magic people With all the magic people With all the magic people, uh-oh, uh-oh, oh With all the magic people 充滿所有神奇人們 Oh, the magic people (with all the magic people) all the people All the people, all the people All the people (with all the magic people) all the people All the people (with all the magic people) all the people All the people (with all the magic people) all the people 喔 所有神奇人們 所有人們 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Blur/M.1605704495.A.F10.html

11/18 21:06, 3年前 , 1F
Parklife 翻譯就在今天告一段落啦~~
11/18 21:06, 1F

11/19 11:25, 3年前 , 2F
11/19 11:25, 2F

11/19 12:43, 3年前 , 3F
11/19 12:43, 3F

11/19 18:34, 3年前 , 4F
11/19 18:34, 4F

11/20 17:55, 3年前 , 5F
11/20 17:55, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #1VjHilyG (Blur)