[情報] 告示牌21世紀最偉大流行巨星:No 1

看板Beyonce作者 (咖啡)時間2月前 (2024/12/04 12:42), 2月前編輯推噓2(200)
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https://tinyurl.com/27yzr3xj BILLBOARD’S GREATEST POP STARS OF THE 21ST CENTURY: NO. 1 — BEYONCÉ While Taylor Swift is the century's biggest pop star by the numbers, Beyoncé tops our staff-chosen editorial list based on her full 25 years of influence, impact, evolution. By Andrew Unterberger 12/3/2024 With the first quarter of the 21st century coming to a close, Billboard has spent the last few months counting down our staff picks for the 25 greatest pop stars of the last 25 years. You can see the stars who have made our list so far here — and now, we examine the century in Beyoncé, our editorial staff’s pick for the No. 1 Greatest Pop Star of the 21st Century. While Taylor Swift is the century’s biggest pop star by the numbers — from album sales to streams to touring dominance — our editorial staff chose Beyoncé as our Greatest Pop Star of the Century, based on her full 25 years of influence, evolution and impact. 文章太長就不全文搬運了。 恭喜碧獲得告示牌評選21世紀最偉大流行巨星第一位! 實至名歸! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Beyonce/M.1733287326.A.FAA.html ※ 編輯: nttu94310 ( 臺灣), 12/04/2024 13:15:13

12/04 18:22, 2月前 , 1F
12/04 18:22, 1F

12/08 13:39, 2月前 , 2F
12/08 13:39, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1dJzsU-g (Beyonce)
文章代碼(AID): #1dJzsU-g (Beyonce)