[SNS ] 200728 相關SNS整理

看板BTS (防彈少年團)作者 (ARMY)時間3年前 (2020/07/30 00:47), 3年前編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 8人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
200728 柾國(已刪文) 10000 hours https://twitter.com/BT_FOREVER0613/status/1287986993524137984 (備份請開燈) CR.BT_FOREVER0613 柾國 10000 Hours Repeat https://t.co/K3qkYYZutj?amp=1 https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/1288124043615285257 BTS_official 官推 [#防彈BOMB] 右邊~左邊~嗨翻天的興彈少年團,從新舞蹈到刀群舞! (開手)(合掌)(瞇眼 大笑) #用_兩個翅膀 #祈禱_把我的_派對_給我 (https://youtu.be/eg65NNW8Xd4)
https://twitter.com/bts_bighit/status/1288051628935766017 BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL #BTS 7/29(三) 追加「BTS MEMORIES OF 2019」DVD&Blu-ray 預購數量上限,Blu-ray交 貨日(發行日)變更通知 詳情請點擊這裡→https://t.co/9szklzVUBS?amp=1 https://twitter.com/BTS_jp_official/status/1287945908164993025 BigHit Entertainment [新聞] #防彈少年團,'Love Yourself'專輯設計,'紅點設計大獎'得獎' https://t.co/itnkPlSfpL?amp=1 https://twitter.com/BigHitEnt/status/1287914686407536640 [新聞] #防彈少年團,新的真人秀 'In the SOOP BTS篇' 8月19日第一集 https://t.co/umienJlIoA?amp=1 https://twitter.com/BigHitEnt/status/1287971251579793408 Weverse (露營)像森林送的禮物般的一周紀錄。 <In the SOOP BTS篇> 在#weverse上全球獨家公開。 8月 20日(四) 韓國時間凌晨0時,請來只有 #防彈少年團的森林裡玩耍。 更詳細的內容 →https://t.co/fzYIvUM09C?amp=1 #BTS #In_the_SOOP https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1287930808465010688 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ed-mPoIXYAAjqPB.png
https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1287930793420107776 (英文版本) https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1287930916271259648 (日文版本) BIGHIT OFFICIAL MERCH RT PHILKO BTS DNA&MIC Drop theme products are coming soon! You can match the phone case & the AirPods case together #BTS #PHILKO #BTSMICDropPhoneCase #BTSDNAPhoneCase #BTSMusicthemeLicensedProducts #BTSMusicthemeAirPodsCases https://twitter.com/Philko_official/status/1286165474045128704 (影片) BANGTANTV @ Youtube 在只有防彈的空間裡面,充滿著自由與療癒。 Time of freedom and healing in a place for BTS, and BTS only. BTSだけの空間で楽しむ自由と癒し. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DJjiDFaVFM
https://www.youtube.com/post/UgzjfLn07b4M43fwnIh4AaABCQ 其他相關SNS BT21 #BT21 #BT21BABY #NeckCushion & #HeadBand 'Cause if we're staying at home for a while, we should do it in the most relaxing(and cute) way possible(放心的臉) *07. 28. 6PM (PDT) Global https://lin.ee/XgZWWfg Korea https://lin.ee/sq50wkz *Coming Soon Amazon UK https://lin.ee/biUCaOs https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1287930848709193729 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ed-mRyuU4AAfK-F.jpg
PUZZLE STAR #BT21 Event ✓Post screenshots of My Room with #PUZZLESTARBT21 on Twitter 'til 8/31 ✓Send your game ID & posting to linefriends.app@gmail.com ✓10 Decor Tickets to Giftbox the next day! (圖釘)Download http://lin.ee/6w1cK4Y/ztej (圖釘)Privacy Policy https://lin.ee/0W2difh/hntj https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1287945979014995969 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ed-0CbDU8AAvpFl.jpg
"Ooooh, this looks FUN!" (開口笑) Don't miss how mischievous SHOOKY causes a ruckus to BT21! #July30 #StayTunedhttps://lin.ee/41vYKXl/adtu #BT21_UNIVERSE #ANIMATION #Season3 #EP08 #BT21 #becomeBABY #BT21BABY https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1288036595157700608 (影片) SMERALDO BOOKS 智旻 22年6月14日 如果真的能以'我們'把我們7個繫在一起的話,號錫哥會像是籬笆一樣在後面支撐我們的 人。事實上哥沒有像外表一樣如此開朗活潑。 #花樣年華 #TheNotes2 https://twitter.com/Smeraldo_Books/status/1287915682554773504 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ed-XB5EU8AArGSB.png
RT SMERALDO BOOKS 智旻 22年5月15日 跳! 智旻啊! 用這句話當作信號,我們全部都跳起來了。我也被捲入其中,一 起奔跑起來。餅乾袋和寶特瓶都飛到空中了。(10/15) #花樣年華 #TheNotes1 #SMERALDOBOOKS https://twitter.com/Smeraldo_Books/status/1085355990684332032 (影片) Hyundai Worldwide Guess who came to check out #HyundaiMotorstudioGoyang! Follow https://t.co/0DkeXoTAa3?amp=1 to see more from their visit. #HyundaixBTS @BTS_twt https://twitter.com/Hyundai_Global/status/1287938146366152705 (影片) Guess who came to check out #HyundaiMotorstudioGoyang! Follow https://t.co/XEHoGTpTBu?amp=1 to see more from their visit. #HyundaixBTS @BTS_Official https://twitter.com/Hyundai_Global/status/1288002487119753222 (影片) IN THE SOOP Official In the SOOP BTS ver. Official Teaser 1 (https://youtu.be/6DJjiDFaVFM
) 在只有防彈的空間裡面,充滿著自由與療癒。 Time of freedom and healing in a place for BTS, and BTS only. BTSだけの空間で楽しむ自由と癒し ▶ https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/da0e79ca #BTS #防彈少年團 #In_the_SOOP https://twitter.com/INTHESOOP_TV/status/1288036779354816513 cr.BTS_twt / bts_bighit / BTS_jp_official / BigHitEnt / weverseofficial / Philko_official / BT21_ / Smeraldo_Books / Hyundai_Global / INTHESOOP_TV @ Twitter BANGTANTV @ Youtube 翻譯: guha4832 @ PTT-BTS -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1596041262.A.852.html ※ 編輯: guha4832 ( 日本), 07/30/2020 01:00:13

07/30 02:20, 3年前 , 1F
07/30 02:20, 1F

07/30 02:21, 3年前 , 2F
07/30 02:21, 2F

07/30 08:26, 3年前 , 3F
07/30 08:26, 3F

07/30 08:36, 3年前 , 4F
07/30 08:36, 4F

07/30 09:38, 3年前 , 5F
07/30 09:38, 5F

07/30 11:25, 3年前 , 6F
07/30 11:25, 6F

07/30 17:53, 3年前 , 7F
07/30 17:53, 7F

08/01 22:45, 3年前 , 8F
08/01 22:45, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1V8QWkXI (BTS)
文章代碼(AID): #1V8QWkXI (BTS)