[留言] 120430-120506 官推整理

看板BTOB作者 (馬特)時間12年前 (2012/05/15 02:01), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
翻譯PTT BTOBφplumageonly (感謝kawis/nozomi21wt協助) 120430 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196644777607958529 (01:59) Peniel 現在該睡了!!! hehe 今天非常謝謝大家! 晚安!! Peniel is gonna head to bed now!! very thankful towards everyone today!!! (: good night!!! https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196753477475635200 (09:10) 馬上出去買了麵包又回來 今天天氣真的真的很好!!! 不熱也不會冷!剛剛好! 好想去玩!!>< keke 天氣也好 請(大家)也度過美好的一天吧! ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196753963364777986 (09:12) went out to buy some bread and the weather is perfect! Not too hot/cold! wanna go play!Hope everyone's day is as good as the weather!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196796104313028609 (12:00) Hyunsik: isn't the weather so nice today? Peniel: yeah! So good! http://twitter.com/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196796104313028609/photo/1 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196826351800549379 (14:00) (旼赫)咿啊啊啊啊喔 天氣太好了!!!! 好想去散步 大家一起去吹吹風吧^^~ http://yfrog.com/obnyferj http://yfrog.com/g0ks0maj 120501 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/197057357765816320 (05:18) 剛回到宿舍正在等著洗澡!唉呼 好累> < 快點洗完要睡了! 各位!晚安~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/197057395464212480 (05:18) Got into 宿舍 and waiting to wash up! So tired TT haha gonna wash and head to bed! Good night everyone!~Peniel~ 120502 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/197408540451815424 (04:33) 現在正準備要回宿舍中! keke 還有今天是星材的生日! 都知道吧?! keke 請祝他生日快樂吧! 生日快樂啊 星材!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/197408758001958912 (04:34) Getting ready to go to 宿舍 toda is 星材's birthday! You guys already knew that right? Hehe wish him a happy birthday! Happy birthday 星材!~Peniel~ 120503 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/197760934641541123 (03:54) 現在洗完躺下了~我們新出的歌 歌名"父親"都聽過了嗎?如何?? 就像我們約好的很快就回來了吧? hehe > < 請多多聆聽和喜愛吧!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/197761306076520449 (03:55) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/197761334664896514 Just washed up! Our new song "Father" came out today have you guys listened to it yet? How is it? We came back fast like we promised right?! Hehe please listen to it and love it a lot!~Peniel~ 120504 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198141759837044736 (05:07) 現在洗完躺下了! keke 今天因為有時間就看了"復仇者聯盟"也去逛街了! 電影真的很有趣!看過了嗎? 還有今天也買了耳環/耳釘! 很久沒有看電影也很久沒有買耳環了所以心情很好! hehe > < 現在要睡了!晚安 ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198141812936933376 (05:07) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198142156202975233 Just got in! We had free time today so we watched "The Avengers" and shopped a bit! The movie is really fun! Have you guys seen it? I got earrings today too! It's been a while since I've seen a movie or bought earrings so it felt good:) gonna sleep now good night!~Peniel~ 120505 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198514053302321153 (05:46) 現在練習結束正在等著洗澡! 我們今天到軍浦公演了 誰來看了呢?! keke 明天沒有行程所以要練習一整天!啊 好累ΠΠ趕快洗完要睡了!晚安~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198514337458028544 (05:48) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198514354633719809 Just finished practice and waiting to wash up! We performed at 軍浦 today! Who saw?! We don't have any schedule tmrrw so practice all day! Ah I'm tired TT gonna wash up and sleep! Good night!~Peniel~ 120506 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198812345718419456 (01:32) (旼赫)雖然很晚了但是還沒有睡的人 舉手~? 現在正好是聽父親的最佳時機 和我一起聽吧!!一定要聽喔!!聽兩遍!!一直聽下去!! http://yfrog.com/mg45povj https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198854360980135936 (04:19) 現在洗完躺下了!今天天氣真好 好想出去 但是一整天都要待在練習室裡面ΠΠ 連吃飯也是..keke 大家一整天都做了什麼? 我等一下就要睡了!! 大家晚安!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198854457918894080 (04:19) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198854486339502080 Just washed up! It was so nice out today! I wanted to go out but I was in the company all day..even ate inside the company TT hehe what did everyone do today? Imma sleep in a bit! Good night everyone!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/198872405035335680 (05:30) 今天一整天也要加油啊各位~~^^ BTOB昌燮 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/199147062388998144 (23:42) 肚子餓~~~~~~~~~~~~~~一O一!!! -星材- -- ┌┐┌──┬──┬──┬─┬┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐┌┐ ┌┼┤│ □ │ │ □ │ │ │ │ □ │ ┤ □ │ │├┼┐ ┌┼┼┤│ ┤ □ │ ┤ ├┐┌┤ □ │ ┤ │ ├┐┌┘├┼┼┐ BTOB│ □ │ │├┐│ ││││ │ □ │ ┤┌┐│││ ψMart └┴┴┘└──┴──┴┘└┴┴─┘└┘└──┴──┴──┴┘└┘└┘ └┴┴┘ 901122恩光|901129旼赫|910226昌燮|920307炫植|930310東根|941004鎰勳|950502星材 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: plumageonly 來自: (05/15 02:01)

05/15 02:27, , 1F
05/15 02:27, 1F

05/15 13:39, , 2F
05/15 13:39, 2F

05/15 20:11, , 3F
05/15 20:11, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1FiKX_ja (BTOB)
文章代碼(AID): #1FiKX_ja (BTOB)