[留言] 120423-120429 官推整理

看板BTOB作者 (馬特)時間12年前 (2012/05/15 01:59), 編輯推噓0(000)
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翻譯PTT BTOBφplumageonly (感謝kawis/nozomi21wt協助) 120423 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194164746671489024 (05:44) 我們現在洗完躺下來要睡了...太陽已經升起了ΠΠ我們一小時後又要起來了ΠΠ 啊好累 keke > < 大家晚安!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194164785208754176 (05:44) Just washed up and laying in bed now. The sun already rose TT we have to wake up in an hour :( so tired haha :P good night everyone!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194399094150672384 (21:15) 剛結束Studio C的錄影!!今天拖Mighty Mouth前輩們和Dal Shabet的Subin前輩的福 非常有趣!謝謝!! ^^ 播出的時候請一定要收看!:) ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194399570074148864 (21:17) Finished recording StudioC with our seniors Might Mouth and Subin of Dal Shabet! It was so fun! When StudioC airs, please watch it! Thnx~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194402930558902272 (21:30) Ah I'm so sorry! I misspelled our seniors name! It is Mighty Mouth! Not Might Mouth! I'm very sorry!! ~Peniel~ *Peniel誤寫Mighty Mouth為Might Mouth 120424 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194525526709379072 (05:37) 我們現在躺下要睡了~ΠΠkeke 我們明天要錄show champion...會來看嗎?? 會來吧?!keke 我們現在要睡了! 晚安!, ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194525918734196736 (05:39) Just laid down to sleepTT we're gonna be on show champion tmrrw! Everyone's gonna come..right?>< time to sleep! Goodnight everyone!!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194717366645563392 (18:20) (旼赫)我現在出演JTBC的"淘氣鬼"一陣子了~拖淘氣鬼的福 穿上好幾年沒穿的校服了!!!!很適合我吧~~~^^? http://yfrog.com/h6qffuzj https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194766688665866240 (21:36) 今天是BTOB第一次出演Show Champion!keke 看到我們出來了嗎?keke 4minute前輩們得到一位了~恭喜!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194766893746372609 (21:37) Today was the first time BTOB went on Show Champion! Did you guys watch us? :P our seniors' 4Minute got first place! Congrats! ^^ ~Peniel~ 120425 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194902512669700096 (06:35) 我們舞蹈課現在剛結束 正在收拾行李準備回宿舍~現在是一些人起床的時間了 但我們才剛要回去睡覺 kekeke > < 請度過美好的一天吧!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/194902855243677696 (06:37) ended dance class and packing to go back to sookso~ it's time for some people to wake up but we're going to sleep xP have a good day!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195059746456346624 (17:00) 亞馬遜馬上要播出了會看嗎?我們現在也把電視打開收看~一起看!!~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195059815444250624 (17:00) Amazon is gonna air soon! Are you guys gonna watch? We turned the tv on just now to watch! Let's watch together! ~Peniel~ 120426 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195297387802148866 (08:45) BTOB現在準備要睡了..各位晚安~Peniel~ BTOB is getting ready to sleep now...good night everyone~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195485407083892737 (21:12) 大家現在在幹嘛呢? BTOB正準備要聽課了~不知道什麼時候會結束 先跟大家問安一下!晚安!!~~~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195485651326611456 (21:13) What's everyone doing? BTOB is getting ready for lesson don't know when it's gonna end so I'll say it ahead of time..good night! ^^~Peniel~ 120427 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195586489755774976 (03:53) 晚上空氣真好 雖然想出去但是睡覺更重要!!!! -星材- https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195709755677872129 (12:03) 大家好我是BTOB的鎰勳kekeke 天氣蠻好的 如果能一直像現在這樣就好了~~ 120428 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/195999146002481152 (07:13) 我們現在躺下要睡了...睡不到一小時又要起來了ΠΠ晚安~Peniel~ getting ready to sleep now..can't even sleep for an hour today TT good night everyone ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196206117779550208 (20:55) 我們在樂天世界的最後一場公演結束了 現在要去吃飯~~~謝謝來看我們的人!!^^ 有誰會來我們明天人歌末放和Fan Meeting呢?!keke ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196206528104103937 (20:57) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196206564099629057 Finished our last Lotte World stage and eating dinner! Thank you to everyone who came ^^tmmrw is our last 人歌 stage, and we have a fan meeting! Who's coming? ^^~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196248213018251266 (23:43) 我要睡了! 明天會來人歌和Fam Meeting的人明天見!! I'm gonna go to sleep now! to those who are going to come to 人歌 and the fan meeting,c u tmrrw!~Peniel~ 120429 https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196434676829786112 (12:04) 嗚哇~~~辦Fan Meeting的日子 天氣最好啊!!!^^ 會來很多人吧oμo? http://twitter.com/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196434676829786112/photo/1 (星材) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196541619451863041 (19:09) 末放結束辦了Fan Meetung 現在要回宿舍吃飯~用過餐了嗎? 對今天前來的各位 非常非常非常感謝!!我們馬上就會回來...哪裡都別去~~ 請好好過今天剩下的時間吧!>_< ~Peniel~ https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196542023459811328 (19:10) https://twitter.com/#!/OFFICIALBTOB/status/196542042938163201 Finished our last stage, did our fan meeting, and now we're at our 宿舍 getting ready to eat! did you guys eat? we're very thankful to everyone that came today! we'll be back soon so don't go anywhere!! have a good evening !>_< ~Peniel~ -- ┌┐┌──┬──┬──┬─┬┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┐┌┐ ┌┼┤│ □ │ │ □ │ │ │ │ □ │ ┤ □ │ │├┼┐ ┌┼┼┤│ ┤ □ │ ┤ ├┐┌┤ □ │ ┤ │ ├┐┌┘├┼┼┐ BTOB│ □ │ │├┐│ ││││ │ □ │ ┤┌┐│││ ψMart └┴┴┘└──┴──┴┘└┴┴─┘└┘└──┴──┴──┴┘└┘└┘ └┴┴┘ 901122恩光|901129旼赫|910226昌燮|920307炫植|930310東根|941004鎰勳|950502星材 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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