Re: [情報] 關於新MV以及美國巡迴

看板BABYMETAL作者 (Diamond Perfume)時間9年前 (2016/03/13 11:06), 編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
恕刪 轉述Youtube中的英文 SU: Guess what! We are now at the studio shooting our New music video for Karate. A song from our new album Metal Resistance!! YUI: It is going to be Amazing!!! MOA: I'm sure you can't wait to see it!! \m/\m/\m/ SU: We challanged our selves to many different type of songs on this album. With that, not matter what type of music you listen to. Regardless of how old you are, you will enjoy Metal Resistance. YUI: Metal Resistance will be out at April first worldwide. MOA: Make sure you pick up your copy, OK? o3 YUI: This year is going to be another busy year for BABYMETAL!! MOA: We will be touring around the world And I can't wait to met all of you again!! (謎:me too) SU: We are finally coming back to the U.S.!! And we are very excited to be in cities that we never been to before. So you would experience the world of BABYMETAL. Come and see us live. We are waiting for you!! SUYUIMOA: See you!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

03/13 11:11, , 1F
感謝英文備註~ 今年的海外重點在美國阿@@
03/13 11:11, 1F

03/13 11:15, , 2F
SU講話全身都在動 ^o^
03/13 11:15, 2F

03/13 17:58, , 3F
03/13 17:58, 3F

03/13 17:59, , 4F
03/13 17:59, 4F

03/14 13:46, , 5F
小Yui 整個很小聲 聽不懂啊XDDD
03/14 13:46, 5F

03/14 17:30, , 6F
03/14 17:30, 6F

03/14 17:31, , 7F
03/14 17:31, 7F

03/14 17:32, , 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1MvDbEF3 (BABYMETAL)