[分享] it ends tonight 電吉他譜

看板AAR作者 (ㄚ飄)時間14年前 (2011/03/21 23:31), 編輯推噓0(112)
留言4則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前奏 Am G F G ------------------------------------- 主歌 Am Your subtleties F They strangle me Dm E I can't explain myself at all. Am And all that wants F And all that needs Dm E All I don't want to need at all. ---------------------------------- F The walls start breathing C My minds unweaving C Maybe it's best you leave me alone. F C A weight is lifted Dm On this evening Dm I give the final blow. C F When darkness turns to light, Am It ends tonight G It ends tonight. -------------------------------- Am A falling star F Least I fall alone. Dm E I can't explain what you can't explain. Am F Your finding things that you didn't know Dm E I look at you with such disdain F The walls start breathing C My minds unweaving C Maybe it's best you leave me alone. F C A weight is lifted Dm On this evening Dm I give the final blow. ------------------------------------------- 副歌 C F When darkness turns to light, Am It ends tonight G It ends tonight. C F Just a little insight will make this right Am It's too late to fight G It ends tonight, F It ends tonight. ------------------------------------------- 橋段 Am G Now I'm on my own side Dm F It's better than being on your side Am G Dm It's my fault when you're blind F Am It's better that I see it through your eyes F Dm All these thoughts locked inside G Now you're the first to know ------------------------------------------- 副歌 C F When darkness turns to light, Am It ends tonight G It ends tonight. C F Just a little insight will make this right Am It's too late to fight G It ends tonight, F It ends tonight. ( C F Am G )x4 C F When darkness turns to light, Am C~~~~~~~~~~ It ends tonight 稍微抓了一下 基本上應該是這樣 若有打錯請糾正一下謝謝 彈的話 基本上全部都用強力和弦就可以了 也可以依喜好做一些變化:) --

08/18 14:44, , 1F
08/18 14:44, 1F

08/18 14:47, , 2F
08/18 14:47, 2F

08/18 14:54, , 3F
08/18 14:54, 3F

08/18 14:55, , 4F
08/18 14:55, 4F
-- ※ 編輯: apieo 來自: (03/21 23:40)

03/22 19:01, , 5F
叫我推偏要給你噓- - 我本來真的要給你推的 可是看到簽名
03/22 19:01, 5F

03/22 19:01, , 6F
檔!!!!欠打- - cover影片啦XDDDD 你不是說在段考- -
03/22 19:01, 6F

03/22 19:05, , 7F
03/22 19:05, 7F

03/22 19:25, , 8F
補回來好了- -:))
03/22 19:25, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1DXszLQC (AAR)
文章代碼(AID): #1DXszLQC (AAR)