[情報] 即將發行'BATTLE FOR THE SUN:終極版'

看板placebo作者 (Eeee)時間13年前 (2010/07/15 04:29), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
PLACEBO REVEAL 'BATTLE FOR THE SUN : REDUX EDITION' 即將發行 'BATTLE FOR THE SUN : 終極版' (節錄) PLACEBOWORLD is excited to announce the September 2010 release of a very beautiful new album BATTLE FOR THE SUN : REDUX EDITION (http://placeboredux.sandbag.uk.com/) 2010.9.27 發行 Wrapped in a slipcase featuring brand new artwork, the Redux Edition combines all of the following: 全新包裝設計內容物: Original 13 Track ‘Battle For The Sun’ Album 原Battle For The Sun專輯 10 track BONUS DISC that includes new & reworked tracks, including the 2010 studio recording of the track TRIGGER HAPPY HANDS 10首新歌/重新編曲的BONUS DISC Track Listing 1. Trigger Happy Hands 2. Monster Truck 3. Breathe Underwater (Slow) 4. Unisex 5. Because I Want You (Redux) 6. Blind (Redux) 7. Drag (Redux) 8. Twenty Years (Redux) 9. Soulmates (Redux) 10. Trigger Happy Hands (Buffalo Daughter remix) An exclusive ATTICUS T-Shirt that has been designed by PLACEBO, and comes vacuum packed inside the Redux Edition Slipcase 由PLACEBO設計的ATTICUS T-Shirt 圖案 http://tinyurl.com/2buqalu Hand written liner notes by Brian Molko Brian手寫附註 如此豐富的內容現在預購只要£24 + 國際運費£5 = £29 + 歐洲地區£2.33 = £26.33 現正預購中! http://placeboredux.sandbag.uk.com/ and the first 1500 orders will get the added bonus of receiving a beautiful Art Print of the original sketch of the Trigger Happy Hands T-shirt ‘Clown Image’. 前1500名預購者 可得到精美小丑T恤圖案初稿一張 預購從速! http://placeboredux.sandbag.uk.com/ 原文網址 : http://www.placeboworld.co.uk/mynews.php?id=549 -- ^^;; -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: ryuuki 來自: (07/15 05:26)

07/15 10:00, , 1F
07/15 10:00, 1F

07/15 11:55, , 2F
07/15 11:55, 2F

07/15 16:50, , 3F
07/15 16:50, 3F

08/05 22:41, , 4F
08/05 22:41, 4F

08/20 01:50, , 5F
08/20 01:50, 5F

10/04 22:42, , 6F
今天收到了 XDD 好開心啊~ 不過T很小件 T^T
10/04 22:42, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1CFXutXj (placebo)
文章代碼(AID): #1CFXutXj (placebo)