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看板placebo作者 (Eeee)時間15年前 (2010/03/19 17:33), 編輯推噓17(1703)
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來源 http://tinyurl.com/yescpp2 附上簡易翻譯 Mar 16, 2010 Basking in sunshine Rock trio Placebo's new album has a sunnier disposition compared to their previous works 搖滾三人組百憂解的最新專輯揮別過往作風 更趨陽光開朗 The last time British rock trio Placebo played here in 2006, frontman Brian Molko says they hurt a few models. 繼06年百憂解在新加坡的演出後 主腦Brian Molko說他們傷到了幾位麻豆 The band were performing on a catwalk runway for a Singapore Fashion Festival event. 因為他們於新加坡時尚節中在伸展台上演出 'I remember those models bumping into our guitars while we're trying to play and I felt sorry for them because that's got to hurt. 我記得那些麻豆在我們表演時撞到我們的吉他 讓他們受傷我感到抱歉 They don't have a lot of meat on their bones to start out with,' he tells Life! in a telephone interview. 他們骨頭上本來就沒多少肉了 他這樣在電話採訪中告訴Life! The androgynous singer and his two bandmates, bassist/guitarist Stefan Olsdal and new drummer Steve Forrest, will be back for a proper gig at Fort Canning Park on Thursday to promote their sixth and latest album, Battle For The Sun. 雌雄莫辨的主唱與兩位成員 吉他/貝斯Stefan Olsdal 及新鼓手Steve Forrest 即將在星期四重回FCP 來進行第六張專輯BFTS的宣傳 He is looking forward to coming back here as he says the band's Asian stops have always been interesting. Brian說他一直很期待回到這裡 因為亞洲巡迴總是特別有趣 For example, their first gig in China in 2006. 像是06年他們初次的中國gig He recounts: 他回憶著 'It felt like a riot was going to start in the audience. 觀眾就像要暴動一樣 They were trying to get closer and closer to the stage and the security was done by the military and they were pushing them back and there were fights breaking out between the fans and the military.' 他們試著要更接近舞台 但是保安卻不斷的把他們推回去 歌迷和維安人員幾乎要打起來了 When Life! spoke to the 37-year-old singer last month, he was in his hotel room in Jakarta and the band had just played their first show there the night before. 當Life!談到上個月他們在雅加達的表演 當時這位已屆37歲的主唱前一晚才剛結束他們在那的初次演出回到飯店中 'For the very first time ever, we had ladies in the audience rocking out wearing headscarves, and they knew all the lyrics and they were jumping up and down. It was super cool to see.' 有史以來第一次 台下眾多女士帶著頭巾(*註 因為印尼很多回教徒)恣意搖晃 熟知所有歌詞並且跳來跳去 看到真是覺得太酷了 Formed in 1994, the band released their eponymous debut in 1996 at the height of the Britpop era in Britain. 成軍於1994 96年在那英式搖滾盛行的年代 他們在英國發行了首張同名專輯 They stood out with their glam rock and Molko's androgynous image and, over the course of six albums, developed a strong following throughout Europe as well as Asia, selling more than 10 million albums. 他們以華麗搖滾及Molko雌雄莫辨的形象脫穎而出 六張作品以來 在整個歐洲及亞洲的銷量都穩穩的超過10 million張 Molko says the tunes off their new album, released last year, have a more optimistic outlook compared to their emotionally darker past works. Molko說他們新專輯擁有比過去專輯那種負面情緒性更加正面的調調 'We're most definitely happier now than we were. This is more of a record about stepping out of darkness and into the light and hope. 我們很肯定現在比過去都還快樂 這張專輯即是走出黑暗走入光明及希望 'I am in a healthier place, so much of my past was tied up in a lot of pain and everybody wants to find some kind of balance and peace of mind.' 我現在處在健康的狀態 過去我被那些痛苦束縛緊綁著 我想每個人都要在心靈的平和中找到某些平衡點 He is bisexual and has a four-year-old son with a former partner. 雙性戀的他有個四歲的兒子 He says of fatherhood: 他道出他的爸爸經 'Well, it's just a very positive force in my life. 嗯 在我生命中這是相當正面積極的驅力 I think that it is very good for a human being to have somebody in their life that they care about more than themselves.' 我覺得當一個人在乎自己生命中的某人多於在乎自己時是相當美好的 Making music is all he knows, he says, and admits to not being able to do anything else. 音樂就是他的全部了 他說 而且承認了不可能再從事其他事情 'I'm virtually unemployable. I can't drive so I can't be a taxi driver. I can't work in an office because I'm not good with computers. I don't really have any other skills.' 我根本沒辦法被僱用 我不會開車所以不能當計程車司機 我沒法坐在辦公室因為我不太會用電腦 我也真的沒其他專長 He adds Placebo have lasted much longer than their 1990s Brit cohorts because they have never bothered to follow musical trends and 'got used to being unfashionable very early on'. 他補充著說百憂解比他們同時期的英搖夥伴都來的長壽 因為他們絲毫不受那些潮流影響而且早就習慣了不合時宜的音樂 While describing their upcoming set, the frontman could not help but compare themselves to one of their contemporaries from the 1990s British scene. 當他描述即將舉行的演出時 這位靈魂人物忍不住拿他們自己與同時代的英搖現場做比較 'We're not the type of band that Oasis used to be, just show up, stand there like they don't care and then go off again. 我們不是那種樂團 像Oasis之前那樣 現身 然後站在那彷彿啥也不在乎 然後再次離開 'We find that disrespectful so we try to put 100 percent of our energy into the show. It's going to be an energetic and passionate show which, hopefully, will move the crowd emotionally.' 我們發現那不太尊重 所以我們總是盡百分之百的全力在我們的演出上 那會是感動眾人情感充滿活力及激情帶勁的演出 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/19 17:49, , 1F
03/19 17:49, 1F

03/19 18:39, , 2F
03/19 18:39, 2F

03/19 20:43, , 3F
現場能量真的很驚人! 繼續給我們更多好音樂吧~~
03/19 20:43, 3F
※ 編輯: ryuuki 來自: (03/19 21:30)

03/19 22:27, , 4F
just show up, stand there like they don't care
03/19 22:27, 4F

03/19 22:28, , 5F
03/19 22:28, 5F

03/19 22:40, , 6F
03/19 22:40, 6F

03/19 23:18, , 7F
03/19 23:18, 7F

03/19 23:25, , 8F
謝謝分享^^ 兩團各有各的好.不過placebo live上跟台下
03/19 23:25, 8F

03/19 23:25, , 9F
03/19 23:25, 9F

03/20 00:17, , 10F
03/20 00:17, 10F

03/20 03:59, , 11F
一個像單戀一個帥哥 一個像你愛他他也愛你 嘖嘖嘖
03/20 03:59, 11F

03/20 10:35, , 12F
OASIS好像只有某人比較不親民 XD
03/20 10:35, 12F

03/20 16:57, , 13F
03/20 16:57, 13F

03/20 18:40, , 14F
誰比較不親民阿XD 昨天心血來潮聽了幾首oasis還蠻喜歡的!!
03/20 18:40, 14F

03/20 20:58, , 15F
OASIS...(哭) 喜歡他們的Falling Down 還是推Brain說的!
03/20 20:58, 15F

03/21 18:23, , 16F
03/21 18:23, 16F

03/21 22:52, , 17F
03/21 22:52, 17F

03/22 10:30, , 18F
03/22 10:30, 18F

03/22 17:52, , 19F
03/22 17:52, 19F

03/23 08:52, , 20F
03/23 08:52, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1BeqK41W (placebo)
文章代碼(AID): #1BeqK41W (placebo)