[情報] 瑞淵確診COVID-19

看板fromis_9作者 (BaekJiHeon)時間3年前 (2022/02/04 12:49), 3年前編輯推噓10(10023)
留言33則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
fromis_9 Seoyeon has been diagnosed with COVID-19 She has completed her second dose of vaccine and will be taking break from the g https://t.co/sG6CvStYD7 https://t.co/9raMuDuUzI [公告] fromis_9 李瑞淵 新型冠狀病毒 確診及措施指南 你好。 是Pledis娛樂公司。 關於fromis_9成員李瑞淵的新型冠狀病毒確診及今後的日程調整,特此通知。 李瑞淵有疲勞感及喉嚨發癢症狀,3日(週四)晚上率先到醫院就診,在快速抗原檢查中呈陽性。 因此,前往篩選診療所進行PCR檢查的結果,4日(週五)上午被確診爲新型冠狀病毒。 目前,除了喉嚨發癢、輕微頭暈以外,沒有其他症狀,正在等待防疫當局的治療指南。 除李瑞淵以外的fromis_9全體成員在3日(週四)進行的快速抗原檢查中全部被判定爲陰性,目前沒有特別的症狀。 成員們目前正在先發制人進行自我隔離,之後正在等待保健所的密切接觸者判定與否、追加PCR檢查等防疫措施。 因此fromis_9計劃推遲包括今天預定的KBS音樂銀行、今天及以後預定的fromis_9 4th Mini Album[Midnight Guest]粉絲簽名會(2/4音樂成套設備、2/5趙恩音樂、2/6節奏、2/10 Shopee、2/12 一直娛樂)等在內的部分迷你4輯相關活動。 恢復活動的日程以後會再次通知的。 本公司將藝人的健康放在首位,爲了能讓李瑞淵以健康的面貌與粉絲們見面,將盡全力進行 https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srusrk -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/fromis_9/M.1643950173.A.DB3.html

02/04 12:50, 3年前 , 1F
02/04 12:50, 1F

02/04 12:56, 3年前 , 2F
02/04 12:56, 2F
※ 編輯: BaekJiHeon ( 臺灣), 02/04/2022 13:20:56

02/04 15:58, 3年前 , 3F
02/04 15:58, 3F

02/04 18:34, 3年前 , 4F
02/04 18:34, 4F

02/05 03:34, 3年前 , 5F
02/05 03:34, 5F

02/06 08:44, 3年前 , 6F
02/06 08:44, 6F

02/07 15:46, 3年前 , 7F
相信沒事很快就會康復 之前IVE員瑛也確診後來也健康回來
02/07 15:46, 7F

02/10 20:36, , 8F
除了瑞淵外 其他成員今天都解除隔離
02/10 20:36, 8F

02/10 21:36, , 9F
02/10 21:36, 9F

02/10 23:34, , 10F
YENA音源成績很好 也是該拿一個
02/10 23:34, 10F

02/10 23:40, , 11F
今天首爾藝高畢典 結果知憲尼不能去參加 QQ
02/10 23:40, 11F

02/12 22:53, , 12F
fromis_9 Lee Seoyeon’s Full Recovery from COVID-1
02/12 22:53, 12F

02/12 22:53, , 13F
9 Notice
02/12 22:53, 13F

02/12 22:53, , 14F
02/12 22:53, 14F

02/12 22:53, , 15F
This is Pledis Entertainment.
02/12 22:53, 15F

02/12 22:53, , 16F
We would like to inform you that fromis_9 member L
02/12 22:53, 16F

02/12 22:53, , 17F
ee Seoyeon has made a full recovery from COVID-19
02/12 22:53, 17F

02/12 22:53, , 18F
and her quarantine has concluded as of noon today.
02/12 22:53, 18F

02/12 22:53, , 19F
Lee Seoyeon has been administering self-treatment
02/12 22:53, 19F

02/12 22:54, , 20F
at home as per health authority guidelines and has
02/12 22:54, 20F

02/12 22:54, , 21F
not shown any symptoms. As her quarantine has con
02/12 22:54, 21F

02/12 22:54, , 22F
cluded, she can resume her activities starting fro
02/12 22:54, 22F

02/12 22:54, , 23F
m noon, today.
02/12 22:54, 23F

02/12 22:54, , 24F
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to
02/12 22:54, 24F

02/12 22:54, , 25F
the fans who have shown concerns for our artists’
02/12 22:54, 25F

02/12 22:54, , 26F
health and also to the staff members of the healt
02/12 22:54, 26F

02/12 22:54, , 27F
h authorities working tirelessly to overcome the p
02/12 22:54, 27F

02/12 22:54, , 28F
02/12 22:54, 28F

02/12 22:54, , 29F
We will continue to place our highest priority on
02/12 22:54, 29F

02/12 22:54, , 30F
the health and safety of our artists and fully coo
02/12 22:54, 30F

02/12 22:54, , 31F
perate with the requests and guidelines of healthc
02/12 22:54, 31F

02/12 22:54, , 32F
are authorities.
02/12 22:54, 32F

02/12 22:54, , 33F
Thank you.
02/12 22:54, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #1X_B1Tsp (fromis_9)
文章代碼(AID): #1X_B1Tsp (fromis_9)