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看板eVonne (許慧欣)作者 (幸福的糖e)時間12年前 (2013/04/01 20:36), 編輯推噓0(00203)
留言203則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
推文前請注意統一格式! 第一行註明臉書或微博更新時間 第二行放上連結(若無可省,請記得要縮短網址) 第三行標明慧欣所說的話 更新者不限於板主 大家如果有看到新訊息 都可以在置底文底下推文協助更新 每更新一則可得6積分喔! 所以請大家踴躍幫忙更新欣動態吧! -- ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ ^o^ 願流星 善良 ※ ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿ 氣質清 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ \(^▽^)/ \(^▽^)/ ◢◣ ◢◣ 最新專輯 欣進化1/11發行! ╔@v@╗ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/02 21:00, , 1F
04/02 21:00, 1F

04/02 21:01, , 2F
04/02 21:01, 2F

04/02 21:01, , 3F
04/02 21:01, 3F

04/02 21:02, , 4F
04/02 21:02, 4F

04/02 21:02, , 5F
04/02 21:02, 5F

04/02 21:02, , 6F
等登機... waiting to board
04/02 21:02, 6F
※ 編輯: qwerewq 來自: (04/03 22:12)

04/03 22:12, , 7F
04/03 22:12, 7F

04/03 22:12, , 8F
04/03 22:12, 8F

04/03 22:13, , 9F
04/03 22:13, 9F

04/03 22:13, , 10F
04/03 22:13, 10F

04/03 22:13, , 11F
04/03 22:13, 11F

04/03 22:14, , 12F
04/03 22:14, 12F

04/03 22:14, , 13F
04/03 22:14, 13F

04/03 22:14, , 14F
你們聽過 K歌 情人 夢 的”同類“嗎?
04/03 22:14, 14F

04/03 22:15, , 15F
04/03 22:15, 15F

04/03 22:15, , 16F
04/03 22:15, 16F

04/03 22:15, , 17F
04/03 22:15, 17F

04/05 21:09, , 18F
04/05 21:09, 18F

04/05 21:10, , 19F
04/05 21:10, 19F

04/05 21:10, , 20F
good morning! ready and waiting to head out...
04/05 21:10, 20F

04/05 21:10, , 21F
04/05 21:10, 21F

04/07 13:58, , 22F
04/07 13:58, 22F

04/07 13:58, , 23F
04/07 13:58, 23F

04/07 13:58, , 24F
Heading to Taichung! 出發了,前往台中!
04/07 13:58, 24F

04/07 19:13, , 25F
04/07 19:13, 25F

04/07 19:13, , 26F
04/07 19:13, 26F

04/07 19:13, , 27F
04/07 19:13, 27F

04/10 17:22, , 28F
04/10 17:22, 28F

04/10 17:22, , 29F
04/10 17:22, 29F

04/10 17:23, , 30F
04/10 17:23, 30F

04/10 17:23, , 31F
04/10 17:23, 31F

04/10 17:24, , 32F
04/10 17:24, 32F

04/10 17:24, , 33F
04/10 17:24, 33F

04/10 17:24, , 34F
班機好像延誤了一些... 一起等飛機吧!
04/10 17:24, 34F

04/10 17:25, , 35F
flight's delayed... let's wait together!
04/10 17:25, 35F

04/10 17:25, , 36F
04/10 17:25, 36F

04/10 17:29, , 37F
04/10 17:29, 37F

04/10 17:30, , 38F
04/10 17:30, 38F
還有 125 則推文
04/23 23:11, , 164F
and dismiss it and think oh others' troubles
04/23 23:11, 164F

04/23 23:11, , 165F
have nothing to do with me, and coldly sit
04/23 23:11, 165F

04/23 23:11, , 166F
there and watch numbly as if they're just
04/23 23:11, 166F

04/23 23:12, , 167F
watching tv, bc maybe one day it will be you,
04/23 23:12, 167F

04/23 23:12, , 168F
or your mom, your wife, your sister, your
04/23 23:12, 168F

04/23 23:12, , 169F
friend that needs a little bit of help and
04/23 23:12, 169F

04/23 23:12, , 170F
kindness from someone else. maybe the situation
04/23 23:12, 170F

04/23 23:13, , 171F
I'm writing about today isn't super serious,
04/23 23:13, 171F

04/23 23:13, , 172F
but it's almost bc it's such a simple thing to
04/23 23:13, 172F

04/23 23:13, , 173F
do to help, that if ppl are unwilling to do
04/23 23:13, 173F

04/23 23:13, , 174F
such a simple thing, will they be willing
04/23 23:13, 174F

04/23 23:13, , 175F
to help when it comes to others who are in
04/23 23:13, 175F

04/23 23:14, , 176F
serious situations who need a greater amount of
04/23 23:14, 176F

04/23 23:14, , 177F
04/23 23:14, 177F

04/23 23:14, , 178F
think about it. the world needs more love, and
04/23 23:14, 178F

04/23 23:15, , 179F
it starts from us, every day...
04/23 23:15, 179F

04/23 23:15, , 180F
04/23 23:15, 180F

04/28 23:30, , 181F
04/28 23:30, 181F

04/28 23:31, , 182F
today the word on my mind is "low-key."
04/28 23:31, 182F

04/28 23:31, , 183F
04/28 23:31, 183F

04/28 23:32, , 184F
is it so hard to believe that a person would
04/28 23:32, 184F

04/28 23:34, , 185F
rather be low-key and more private?
04/28 23:34, 185F

04/28 23:40, , 186F
not everyone enjoys attracting attention 24/7..
04/28 23:40, 186F

04/28 23:41, , 187F
like let's say when you're running errands.
04/28 23:41, 187F

04/28 23:41, , 188F
walking the dog. paying your bills. working
04/28 23:41, 188F

04/28 23:42, , 189F
out. trying to have a simple, peaceful meal out
04/28 23:42, 189F

04/28 23:42, , 190F
with family or friends. just trying to be a
04/28 23:42, 190F

04/28 23:43, , 191F
normal person and doing normal everyday things,
04/28 23:43, 191F

04/28 23:44, , 192F
but being low-key about it. without hassle and
04/28 23:44, 192F

04/28 23:44, , 193F
fuss and ppl intruding on your life and
04/28 23:44, 193F

04/28 23:45, , 194F
conversation and privacy.
04/28 23:45, 194F

04/28 23:45, , 195F
04/28 23:45, 195F

04/28 23:50, , 196F
04/28 23:50, 196F

04/28 23:50, , 197F
04/28 23:50, 197F

04/28 23:52, , 198F
04/28 23:52, 198F

04/28 23:52, , 199F
04/28 23:52, 199F

04/28 23:55, , 200F
04/28 23:55, 200F

04/28 23:56, , 201F
04/28 23:56, 201F

04/28 23:56, , 202F
現在可以聽聽 亞州電台!
04/28 23:56, 202F

04/28 23:57, , 203F
04/28 23:57, 203F
文章代碼(AID): #1HMNz6Fw (eVonne)
文章代碼(AID): #1HMNz6Fw (eVonne)