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看板eVonne (許慧欣)作者 (幸福的糖e)時間11年前 (2012/09/01 21:18), 編輯推噓1(10170)
留言171則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
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09/01 21:45, , 1F
09/01 21:45, 1F

09/01 21:45, , 2F
09/01 21:45, 2F

09/01 21:45, , 3F
Blue Moon
09/01 21:45, 3F

09/01 21:45, , 4F
You saw me standing alone
09/01 21:45, 4F

09/01 21:46, , 5F
Without a dream in my heart
09/01 21:46, 5F

09/01 21:46, , 6F
Without a love of my own
09/01 21:46, 6F

09/01 21:46, , 7F
Blue Moon
09/01 21:46, 7F

09/01 21:46, , 8F
You know just what I was there for
09/01 21:46, 8F

09/01 21:46, , 9F
You heard me saying a prayer for
09/01 21:46, 9F

09/01 21:46, , 10F
Someone I really could care for
09/01 21:46, 10F

09/01 21:47, , 11F
And then there suddenly appeared before me
09/01 21:47, 11F

09/01 21:47, , 12F
The only one my arms will hold
09/01 21:47, 12F

09/01 21:47, , 13F
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
09/01 21:47, 13F

09/01 21:47, , 14F
And when I looked to the Moon it turned to gold
09/01 21:47, 14F

09/01 21:47, , 15F
Blue Moon
09/01 21:47, 15F

09/01 21:48, , 16F
Now I'm no longer alone
09/01 21:48, 16F

09/01 21:48, , 17F
Without a dream in my heart
09/01 21:48, 17F

09/01 21:48, , 18F
Without a love of my own
09/01 21:48, 18F

09/01 21:49, , 19F
09/01 21:49, 19F

09/01 21:49, , 20F
09/01 21:49, 20F

09/02 21:32, , 21F
09/02 21:32, 21F

09/02 21:32, , 22F
09/02 21:32, 22F

09/02 21:33, , 23F
09/02 21:33, 23F
※ 編輯: qwerewq 來自: (09/02 21:33)

09/02 21:34, , 24F
sometimes when busy with work, especially filming
09/02 21:34, 24F

09/02 21:34, , 25F
, i feel like i'm secluded and cut off from the
09/02 21:34, 25F

09/02 21:34, , 26F
real world... and apparently i'm getting news
09/02 21:34, 26F

09/02 21:34, , 27F
from my mom, haha... her last 2 texts to me were
09/02 21:34, 27F

09/02 21:35, , 28F
about "justin lee just turned himself to police.
09/02 21:35, 28F

09/02 21:35, , 29F
" and "we r going to 新莊體育館 watch Jemery Lin
09/02 21:35, 29F

09/02 21:35, , 30F
at 7pm..." at the time, i didn't even know who
09/02 21:35, 30F

09/02 21:36, , 31F
justin lee was or that jeremy lin was in taipei
09/02 21:36, 31F

09/02 21:36, , 32F
09/02 21:36, 32F

09/04 11:03, , 33F
09/04 11:03, 33F

09/04 11:04, , 34F
09/04 11:04, 34F

09/04 11:04, , 35F
豆花妹 蔡黃汝 我猜你的腳現在跟我的一樣酸...加油!
09/04 11:04, 35F

09/04 11:05, , 36F
K歌 情人 夢 大家辛苦了!
09/04 11:05, 36F

09/05 23:36, , 37F
09/05 23:36, 37F

09/05 23:37, , 38F
09/05 23:37, 38F
還有 93 則推文
09/26 23:40, , 132F
09/26 23:40, 132F

09/26 23:40, , 133F
ivy hsu, your france news... haha
09/26 23:40, 133F

09/27 18:41, , 134F
09/27 18:41, 134F

09/27 18:42, , 135F
09/27 18:42, 135F

09/27 18:42, , 136F
蔡依林 Jolin Tsai dr. jolin =) 許哲珮寫的詞!
09/27 18:42, 136F

09/27 19:56, , 137F
09/27 19:56, 137F

09/27 19:57, , 138F
09/27 19:57, 138F

09/27 19:57, , 139F
09/27 19:57, 139F

09/28 09:54, , 140F
09/28 09:54, 140F

09/28 09:54, , 141F
09/28 09:54, 141F

09/28 09:55, , 142F
09/28 09:55, 142F

09/29 09:05, , 143F
09/29 09:05, 143F

09/29 09:06, , 144F
09/29 09:06, 144F

09/29 09:06, , 145F
09/29 09:06, 145F

09/29 09:06, , 146F
,很有趣又感人... 不知道有沒有中文版,但英文版
09/29 09:06, 146F

09/29 09:06, , 147F
09/29 09:06, 147F

09/29 09:07, , 148F
09/29 09:07, 148F

09/29 09:07, , 149F
recommending a good book that i read recently....
09/29 09:07, 149F

09/29 09:07, , 150F
it's a really creative story, interesting and
09/29 09:07, 150F

09/29 09:08, , 151F
touching! not sure if there is a chinese version
09/29 09:08, 151F

09/29 09:09, , 152F
, but the engli sh version's english level isn't
09/29 09:09, 152F

09/29 09:09, , 153F
super difficult! if you know what the title of
09/29 09:09, 153F

09/29 09:10, , 154F
the chinese version is called, let me know!
09/29 09:10, 154F

09/30 22:58, , 155F
09/30 22:58, 155F

09/30 22:58, , 156F
09/30 22:58, 156F

09/30 22:59, , 157F
中秋節快樂!happy mid autumn moon festival!
09/30 22:59, 157F

09/30 22:59, , 158F
09/30 22:59, 158F

09/30 22:59, , 159F
09/30 22:59, 159F

09/30 23:00, , 160F
happy mid-autumn moon festival! this song is one
09/30 23:00, 160F

09/30 23:00, , 161F
of the great songs peggy has written for me...
09/30 23:00, 161F

09/30 23:00, , 162F
even though the mv is a little bit sad, i still
09/30 23:00, 162F

09/30 23:00, , 163F
really like this song! hope everyone can go look
09/30 23:00, 163F

09/30 23:01, , 164F
at the moon tonight...
09/30 23:01, 164F

09/30 23:01, , 165F
中秋節快樂!送給大家peggy 許哲珮 之前幫我寫的歌..
09/30 23:01, 165F

09/30 23:01, , 166F
09/30 23:01, 166F

09/30 23:01, , 167F
09/30 23:01, 167F

09/30 23:02, , 168F
09/30 23:02, 168F

09/30 23:02, , 169F
09/30 23:02, 169F

09/30 23:02, , 170F
another moon-related video, haha... do you all
09/30 23:02, 170F

09/30 23:02, , 171F
remember this?
09/30 23:02, 171F
文章代碼(AID): #1GGWifzw (eVonne)
文章代碼(AID): #1GGWifzw (eVonne)