[新聞] Madonna on Whitney

看板Whitney作者 (Notanartist)時間13年前 (2012/03/13 20:50), 編輯推噓10(1006)
留言16則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
"One thing I was struck by with Whitney Houston is I remember she sort of came out as a singer around the same time I did. "I remember looking at her singing and hearing people talk about her, and just thinking, 'Oh my God. She's such a beautiful woman and my God, what an incredible voice. I wish I could sing like that.' "I just remember being extremely envious of her and also touched by her innocence. "I was watching a documentary about Serge Gainsbourg, the French songwriter, and there's a famous talk show he did that happened a while back when Whitney was just starting. "It was funny, because I'd just watched it the week before she died, where he was making a kind of play for her on national television and he was basically saying in French that he wanted to 'f' her — and the look of shock on her face... "I mean, she was so innocent and so young, and so cute, and really she blushed. "And I was thinking, 'We are all innocent at one stage in our life. It's just interesting, the paths our lives take.' "I was struck by that — how well she started and where she ended up and the tragedy of it." http://goo.gl/Crdka -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/13 23:54, , 1F
03/13 23:54, 1F

03/14 01:30, , 2F
03/14 01:30, 2F

03/14 01:30, , 3F
03/14 01:30, 3F

03/14 02:06, , 5F
03/14 02:06, 5F

03/14 02:20, , 6F
She really blushed!!!!!
03/14 02:20, 6F

03/14 02:21, , 7F
so innocent, so cute, so young, so beautiful....
03/14 02:21, 7F

03/14 02:22, , 8F
惠妮應對的好棒! 沒想到我們已經失去她一個月了....
03/14 02:22, 8F

03/14 02:23, , 9F
She really deserves an Oscar for that reaction!!!!!
03/14 02:23, 9F

03/14 22:05, , 10F
春宮不是討厭餓闆嗎 因為餓闆說她紅的時候我還小這種鬼話
03/14 22:05, 10F

03/14 23:31, , 11F
沒有 她還稱讚過肥咪 反而是肥咪有婊過她
03/14 23:31, 11F

03/14 23:54, , 12F
不是春宮先嗆要她變成肥咪 她寧願去死 肥咪才反嗆的嗎
03/14 23:54, 12F

03/15 10:38, , 13F
03/15 10:38, 13F

03/15 14:57, , 14F
03/15 14:57, 14F

03/15 23:13, , 15F
03/15 23:13, 15F

03/16 11:27, , 16F
03/16 11:27, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1FNqA2y_ (Whitney)
文章代碼(AID): #1FNqA2y_ (Whitney)