[Adam] 生日快樂,Adam大叔!!

看板U2作者 (大寶的大瓜)時間15年前 (2010/03/14 01:31), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天(其實是昨天了)3/13是Adam的五十歲生日 剛剛看到@U2寫的這篇 "50 Things to Love About Adam Clayton on His 50th Birthday" http://0rz.tw/cfTTb 相當有趣 值得一讀!! 大叔生日快樂 低調又優雅的Bass player是U2的鎮場之寶 這邊貼一下五年前 他們被推薦進入搖滾名人堂的時候 Adam的感謝詞的第一大段吧: 「 25 years ago, we released our first recording. That means 29 years ago, we all met and formed our band. 30 years ago, I got my first bass guitar, or as I thought, a guitar with only four strings. I had no idea what bass was. I had not heard of James Jameson, Duck Dunn, Jack Bruce, John Entwistle or Bootsy Collins. I just knew I had a weapon, and a shield to take on the world. When we all got together in Larry's kitchen, we didn't know about the great traditions of American music. We didn't know the blues, or soul, or R&B, or country. But we did know that together, we had the chance to change the world by making a noise. This was punk, and it saved my ass. 」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/14 01:46, , 1F
Adam生日快樂!! :)
03/14 01:46, 1F

03/14 10:09, , 2F
Happy Birthday!!
03/14 10:09, 2F

03/14 12:01, , 3F
03/14 12:01, 3F

03/14 13:48, , 4F
03/14 13:48, 4F

03/15 00:13, , 5F
03/15 00:13, 5F

03/15 21:59, , 6F
03/15 21:59, 6F

03/19 16:41, , 7F
This was punk, and it saved my ass
03/19 16:41, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #1BcyliuL (U2)