so mermans fell down from the air, being attacked by the rattlesnakes.
this raining blood is cooling the real man's heart of gold,
and are we gonna enjoy the silence in this new age,
or do we take that very pie from abbey road maybe to the sky?
in the street, the children scream. we all cried, and perhaps the poets'd weep.
so Muhammed my friend,
I'm getting very scared,
teach me how to love,
my brothers, who don't know the law...
(this little prayer from or inspired by Tori Amos.)
歡迎貼上任何你想唱的, 不管是否是tori的歌~
聽到災情一直想唱的是merman, 這首歌本來是被婚後的幸福以及被了解關懷被治癒的感覺
所啟發, 但後來tori決定獻給因受歧視而遭凌略殺害的無辜男同志Mathew Shepard
so mermans fell down from the air, being attacked by the rattlesnakes.
this raining blood is cooling the real man's heart of gold,
and are we gonna enjoy the silence in this new age,
or do we take that very pie from abbey road maybe to the sky?
in the street, the children scream. we all cried, and perhaps the poets'd weep.
so Muhammed my friend,
I'm getting very scared,
teach me how to love,
my brothers, who don't know the law...
(this little prayer from or inspired by Tori Amos.)
歡迎貼上任何你想唱的, 不管是否是tori的歌~
聽到災情一直想唱的是merman, 這首歌本來是被婚後的幸福以及被了解關懷被治癒的感覺
所啟發, 但後來tori決定獻給因受歧視而遭凌略殺害的無辜男同志Mathew Shepard
MERMAN by Tori Amos
go to bed
the priests are dead
now no one can call you back
go to bed
the priests are dead
finally you're on peppermint
at last
he's a merman
he doesn't need your voice
he's a merman
go to bed
dream instead
and you will find him
he's a merman to the knee
doesn't need something you're not willing to give
he's a merman
doesn't need your voice to cross his lands of ice
go to bed
priests are dead
and come sing it all again
go to bed
past the apple orchard
and you'll feel nice
two can play i said
two can play
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