Dennis Miller與Tori的對談
Dennis Miller和Tori在節目上談到她的新書時問到這是一本什麼樣的書呢~
因為Tori提到她先把自己全然信任地交給Ann Powers-- 知名搖滾樂評/敵人 :p
可是在交給樂評/敵人的時候~ 這本書的成果便展現了這兩個女人如何在音樂工業中存活.
接著dennis miller便問到是有關音樂工業的秘辛嗎?
想著想著Dennis救提到他自己最喜歡演藝事業的一點便是: 你必須要保持專業~
不像其他的產業~ 你還可以suck your way up the letter~ 苦撐著混口飯吃~
這時Tori的回應也表同意~ 但她同時也表示: 演藝事業或許如此~ 但在音樂工業中~
從業人卻因專業工具的關係, 就不一定要有音樂專業了.
她很不想提到~ 可是事實卻是, 有的人表演的時候根本不唱歌 (對嘴)
所以有的人或許能夠suck your way to the top, 但不是經過麥克風~~
DM: Is it as brutal as we would imagine at the music industry? or is it
if you're good, you get ahead. if you're not, you get killed.
that's one of thing i like about show business
the strict line about demarcation
in those buniness in the world, you can suck your way up the letter,
but in some point in showbiz, you've got to be proffesion,
i like that, do you?
Tori: well, i like that, but, in the music industry,
you don't have to be proffesion at music, anymore, with pro-tools.
at least, as a comedian, you kinda have to be funny,
or you get ...... (聽不太清楚)
where as music now, i hate to bring up, um, lip sinking and all that,
but there a lot of people they don't even sing anymore, at their shows.
So, you, yes, um, maybe in some ways, have to suck your way to the top,
but not on the microphone!!
So, you, yes, um, maybe in some ways, have to suck your way to the top,
but not on the microphone!!
i always believe that... that's what i do, i use microphone as my tool.
天老爺~ 只能說Tori實在太聰明了!!!
Mr. St. John I wanna eat your babies
two billions of babies i can swallow them all
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