Posted on April 18, 2003 at 04:46:28 PM by Me
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the long silence.....So what's been happening? Well, I JUST
FINISHED RECORDING THE NEW ALBUM!!!!! YAY! Phew it's been a long,
intense, tiring, rewarding, and amazing 2 months being 'trapped' in
the studio. Can't wait to share it with all of you. This album's not
just another album for me cos with all these things that are happening
around us, it serves more than being just a musical enjoyment for me
and the people around me. I know I haven't been appearing or saying
much these days, so hopefully this new album will somehow explain itself
and the world around us. I hope that it'll bring comfort to those who've
been heartbroken,who've been disappointed, to those confused about the
chaos that's spreading across the universe. It might not change the world,
but it's the least that a little me can do right now.
This album also marks a new beginning with my new record label as you all
should know by now, Warner. Pretty excited about it. It's all new to
me....the environment, the people. Am very thankful and grateful that
they've been really supportive and encouraging in my music. This album's
full of new sounds and attitude...not a completely new Tanya, but
definitely a Tanya who's finally grown up, more confident and outspoken
and thoughtful(I hope:-)).
Can't wait to see you guys again. Am flying off to Taiwan soon for all
the photo and video shootings(it's been a while....I think I'll just
freeze in front of the camera or just have one pose...aaaargh). See
you guys soon!
Meanwhile, stay positive and well and happy. Don't forget to wash your
hands a million times a day.
看板《Tanya》 看板《Tanya》
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