[情報] special for Christmas

看板TakeThat作者 (A za A za Fighting!)時間14年前 (2009/11/18 01:52), 編輯推噓4(403)
留言7則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Hi Thanks for signing up for details about the Take That fan package. You are the first to hear about this very special limited edition release. From today you can order this incredible piece of fan memorabilia containing live performances from the tour and the intimate Abbey Road session on both CD and DVD. You also get a DVD containing behind the scenes footage from all the cities on the tour - that's 2 CDs and 3 DVDs! What's more, you'll also receive a luxurious 40 page bound collectors edition book containing a selection of stunning unseen photos. All of this comes packaged in a beautifully-designed box. Take That Present:The Circus Live 、Ultimate Fan Edition Features ‧Luxurious 40 page bound collector's edition book 2 x CD ‧The Circus Live at Wembley Stadium ‧In Session at Abbey Road 3 x DVD ‧The Circus Live at Wembley Stadium ‧In Session at Abbey Road ‧Behind the scenes footage from The Circus Live Tour 預購:http://order.universalmusic.co.uk/takethat/product_1.html?utm_ source=MAILER+16-11-09&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=TakeThat161109 http://0rz.tw/7ZRlr 聖誕節限定組!!!大家快下手~這次可以送到世界各地,買一套價錢是 £39.99+運費£8.75=£48.74,運費是用重量算,看了一下,如果團購10套大約 省£2左右而已,所以建議同地方Thatters一起購買然後面交,比較划算,但不在 意這一兩百元的話,其實就自己下手吧! 還有Taiwan, Province of China這選項讓我不爽很久,真的他X的 ....凸.... ,並且MAIL給他們要求改正,希望大家也能寫信要他們修正。不管有沒有用~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/22 04:47, , 1F
11/22 04:47, 1F

11/22 18:49, , 2F
每次看到那個中國的一省心都涼了一半...- -
11/22 18:49, 2F

11/27 15:08, , 3F
11/27 15:08, 3F

11/28 23:18, , 4F
哎呀~SOLD OUT~來不及了...
11/28 23:18, 4F

11/29 18:24, , 5F
11/29 18:24, 5F

11/30 00:35, , 6F
11/30 00:35, 6F

11/30 16:51, , 7F
11/30 16:51, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1B0kBai2 (TakeThat)
文章代碼(AID): #1B0kBai2 (TakeThat)