[情報] 天上智喜將不出席SM TOWN泰國演唱會!

看板TSZX作者 (bravo)時間15年前 (2009/02/05 12:46), 編輯推噓2(203)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
We have an important piece of news to announce today. As we all know about a serious injury of Stephanie, it seems to not getting better and SM Ent has decided that without Stephanie, or any other member for that matter, The Grace will not be able to perform perfectly as they would love to. It is extremly difficult decision for SM Ent, Dreammaker, Adamas and The Grace themselves as well. We are terribly sorry for this unfortunate event. The Grace will not be here in Bangkok for this concert. However, to make up for this sad event and some missing songs, SM Ent will put in many new songs from various SMTOWN artists that have never been performed in SMTOWN anywhere else in this show! These many new songs as well as a special show will come from all SMTOWN artists with a promise of the best performance from them to give to the fans here. What new songs or which special show will be shown here, come see for yourself in this concert! from http://www.smtowninbangkok.com/ 這樣三月日巡 STE有辦法參加嗎..... 囧 如果沒有STE 日巡會照常舉行嗎??? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/05 13:12, , 1F
02/05 13:12, 1F

02/05 17:49, , 2F
02/05 17:49, 2F

02/05 22:23, , 3F
算舊疾…是腰傷 從去年年底到現在在日本都是另三名成員在
02/05 22:23, 3F

02/05 22:24, , 4F
活動 Ste在休養 Orz
02/05 22:24, 4F

02/08 18:35, , 5F
那應該是以前跳舞時留下的囉? 其他三人辛苦了!!!
02/08 18:35, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #19YcyaP2 (TSZX)
文章代碼(AID): #19YcyaP2 (TSZX)