06. The one to me (中譯)

看板TOKIO作者 (must say good-bye...)時間18年前 (2006/11/21 23:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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穿破了的Sneaker 才剛買的破吉他 無盡的藍天與 尋常的苦笑的歲月 就這樣到這裡 總算走到了 在停住時有人悄悄地推動我的背後 如果就像那一天一樣 重要的東西 一定會失去吧 會放棄吧 I don't want to break it 不會再一次 I don't want to break it 不想失去 I don't want to break it I don't want to break it I don't want to break it 已經建立的一切 I don't want to break it I don't want to say "(You're) the one to me" "You're the one to me" 冒冒失失的夢想 或是太沒用的愛情 丟棄擁有的所有一切 繼續打轉 即使是在革新的相逢中 現在也不想改變 即使過了幾十年 I don't want to change it 就像往常 I don't want to change it 今後也一樣 I don't want to change it I don't want to change it I don't want to change it 我發覺了 I don't want to change it I don't want to say "(You're) the one to me" I don't want to break it I don't want to change it I don't want to break it -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #15On-Lv5 (TOKIO)