[分享] SOLER X2 全專輯歌詞

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Soler-X2 佢 作詞:黃貫中 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao 追憶的裡面 佢永遠那樣高 煙花雖燦爛 總消失得太早 高呼真摯善 叫你我放下刀 差一點兌現 只想他可見到 遺憾那年那月那日佢未告別了就走 然後佢為我們創造這道放生的窗口 愛吧 不怕 即使輸了天下 如果可放下 恨吧 不怕 怎可給你選擇 隨光輝長明千秋不會倒下 慌恐的歲月 也試過會搖擺 多一點決絕 是否可體恤諒解 走多少裡哩路 從峻嶺到橫街 腰骨都挺直 盡管火燒風雨打 其實佢是領袖佢用韻律帶著我們走 無論愛或憤怒若是有就放聲講出口 愛吧 不怕 即使輸了天下 如果可放下 恨吧 不怕 怎可給你選擇 隨光輝長明千秋不會倒下 愛吧 不怕 即使輸了天下 如果可放下 醉吧 不怕 深秋走到初夏 如果可躺下 恨吧 不怕 怎可給你選擇 隨光輝長明千秋不會倒下 堅持 作詞:夏至 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao 我明白太多人 特別喜歡喝倒采 要未來更精彩 必須嘗試過失敗 在灰暗待明晨 愛上黑夜的寒風 多瘋狂多興奮 置諸死地而後生 別管我別害我 假意仁慈來哄我 支配我太囉唆 妥協不像我 執著沒有錯 有點怪有姿態 我們是叛逆流派 你不愛請離開 堅持還在 別管我別害我 假意仁慈來哄我 支配我太囉唆 妥協不像我 別管我別害我 假意仁慈來哄我 支配我太囉唆 妥協不像我 逼迫我不難過 讓我強悍了太多 這世界太混濁 你身旁有我 執著沒有錯 執著沒有錯 不可思議 作詞:夏至 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Adrian Da Silva 最勇敢的女孩子 從來不說放棄 在最沉悶的日子 你總找到新意思 你送我翅膀 在高空中飛翔 你真的不可思議 有點倔強的美麗 為你 天色不明往前走 在上天審判的時候 我們抱著不放手 你身上散發溫柔 灌溉了宇宙 和你一起旅遊 分享我所有 你送我自由 我還選擇陪你走 你真的不可思議 有點倔強的美麗 為你 天色不明往前走 每天總在你的前後左右 世界太多哀愁 你讓我忘憂陪我演奏 我看不見盡頭 聽不到憂鬱的理由 你的氣質 誰能相比 你真的不可思議 有點倔強的美麗 為你 天色不明往前走 每天總在你的前後守候 你真的不可思議 有點獨立的氣質 看你安靜地休息 把你抱在我懷裡 簡單的日子 太不可思議 最愛的還有誰 作詞:夏至 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao 熟悉聲音 慢慢靠近 給我至親的安寧 喧鬧天空 你愛聽到我心情 愛你多麼的貼身 這是習慣還是愛得 難捨難分 是否你的氣味 是否你的細微 隱約吸引我 每天總相隨 告訴我配不配 讓你愛得無悔 在失望時候 你送我安慰 最愛我的還有誰 如果有天 長了皺紋 你雙眼依然誘人 看著內心 撫摸到美麗信任 愛你是命運安排 還是我學懂去珍惜 你的精彩 是否你的氣味 是否你的細微 隱約吸引我 每天總相隨 告訴我配不配 讓你愛得無悔 不須要原因 我最愛的還有誰 我最愛的是誰 習慣天天相隨 我蒙頭大睡 沒細心體會 看你撥弄頭髮 姿態多麼完美 秘密的動作 慢慢的回味 微風輕輕的吹 吻著你的耳背 隱約吸引我 每天總相隨 告訴我配不配 讓你愛得無悔 至失望時候 你送我安慰 最愛我的還有誰 心橋 作詞:夏至 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao 你的神情 不要太兇 我願給你 所有的光榮 角度不同 請包容 思想戰爭 每天發生 可否修補 我們的裂縫 文化不同 請包容 為什麼不可浪漫的想像 可不可架起一座壯麗橋樑 可不可接通彼此不同的思想 有沒有發現我們都頑強 是不是性格偏偏一模一樣 在這個充滿謊話的年代受傷 各有各走 不同國度 其實我們 同樣的孤獨 看不清楚 太恐怖 我們犯了 不少錯誤 你的痛苦 我感到幸福 有點迷糊 太恐怖 為什麼我們失去了想 有沒有橋樑可以跨越海洋 可不可包容彼此不同的理想 可不可通往安樂的地方 沒太多混亂沒太多的慌張 我站在幻想中的橋樑上奢望 有沒有發現 兄弟 作詞:高皓正 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 你在幹甚麼 今天應該不是世界末日 你為什麼不吃 不喝 不言 不語 比眼淚還要沉默 你不要嚇我 世上除了愛情 還有很多 譬如說有親情 友情 家庭 工作 鋼琴 而且還有我 噢~讓過去過去 生活也要繼續 讓我陪你偶爾下雨 我也曾經過 世上有許多人 比你寂寞 你所謂的愛過 痛過 錯過 難過 就是所謂的生活 噢~讓過去過去 生活也要繼續 讓我陪你偶爾下雨 噢~讓傷心過去 有分離有相遇 天空不會一直下雨 媽媽再見 作詞:高皓正 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao/Skot Suyama Hey 媽 好久不見 我在懸崖中 回來 我都快分不清 黑白 可是我終於學會了 愛 那天 我緊握拳頭 想要抓緊這 一切 幸運我受過 傷害 我終於學會 放開 *我還是我 沒有變過 所以說 沒走錯  我還是我 依然守著 承諾 Hey 媽 願你明白 我現在又要 離開 去追逐我的 未來 Repeat * #我擁有 你給我的愛 你放手 所以我會愛 Repeat #,* Hey 媽 好久不見 上癮 作詞:柯有綸 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao/Skot Suyama 沒去過法國巴黎 那裡的空氣有什麼魔力 是上天安排我們在這裡相遇 這驚喜像顆巧克力 隨時上癮 看窗外美麗風景 忘記了所有複雜的情緒 現在你和我沒有任何的距離 已經完全被你吸引 無法抗拒 身體 身體慢慢靠近 每步都要小心 汗水會讓人失憶 聽 聽我唱的旋律 讓你停止呼吸 惹我 作詞:夏至 作曲:Soler/Peter Gorton 編曲:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao 弱勢的 遭杯葛 自覺不只我一個 微笑的 多險惡 原來自三山五嶽 若信心 有裂痕 在罅隙修補黑暗 絕處中 可翻身 懸崖上驚險旅行 攻擊我 公審我 不怕冰封中赤裸 踩低我 不怯懦 你即管惹我 固執一個我 在拗頸 高姿態 大眾挑剔我古怪 沒法子 聽唆擺 夠膽越界 攻擊我 公審我 不怕冰封中赤裸 踩低我 不怯懦 你即管惹我 攻擊我 公審我 不怕冰封中赤裸 踩低我 不怯懦 你即管惹我 詆毀我 摧毀我 不過我天生有火 不死我 不怯懦 我不只有我 固執的兩個 Fiona's Cafe Lyrics:Dino Acconci Music:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao Sitting at Fiona's Cafe Sipping instances of life Passers-by remind me of our days Stirring up my thoughts I'm careful not to leave a stain One can always see the brighter side of things So it didn't take too much to understand Yet I'd like to think that this is not the end But to love is to let go To love is to let go What do you do in times like these? I just don't know Noises from the streets And my emotions simply drown In my coffee on this busy side of town Funny how your life just changes And I don't think I'll get used to The thought of you not being around Tell me what do you do Tell me what do you do What do you do in times like these? Sitting at Fiona's cafe Sipping instances of life It's Her Lyrics:Soler Music:Soler/Peter Gorton Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao In a minute Any minute now She'll be walking through the door 'Coz I sense it As I've sensed it before It's nothing unusual It happens all the time It's the way that she moves And the way I'm confused I know it's her Yes I know it's her It's te scent in the air How she plays with her hair That I know it's her Yes I know it's her Yes I know it's her Yes I truly know it's her We were swaying Slowly wading Through a sea of hyacinths As the sunset Opened up to let us in Bridge Lyrics:Dino Acconci Music:Soler/Peter Gorton Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao You hit home one at a time You light it up like a neon sign And it hurts me It hurts me We push and pull under the sun We fight it out till the battle's won And it hurts me It hurts me Gotta build a bridge across this ocean 'Coz I have no notion of what you're feeling Gotta build a bridge across this ocean of lies Yeah You hit it home one at a time You light it up like a neon sign And it hurts me It hurts me Looking through the eye of the wound I realize that I spoke too soon And it hurts me It hurts me Gotta build a bridge across this ocean Coz I have no notion of what you're feeling Gotta build a bridge across this ocean of lies Yeah Not Alone Lyrics:Soler Music:Soler/Peter Gorton Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao The thinking The sinking Is a day-to-day affair If hurting is healing Could it be I'm half-way there? The jury has spoken I am found guilty as charged A lifetime in prison Could be where I find my star Break my mind Break my soul Turn my spirit into stone Cross the line Burn my home I am not alone The demons and angels Cause my senses to run wild From heaven into hell But I'll survive The Pilgrim Lyrics:Dino Acconci Music:Soler Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao The Himalayan peaks I've crossed To walk with you to have a talk I wouldn't dare exaggerate The seriousness of my own fate It would seem that I have lost All the battles that I have fought Do forgive me I am thirsty for the truth and love and wine And I promise that I won't waste your time I'm grateful for your gentle words They're the deepest that I've heard You say that I have found the light But I'm still lost in this dark night I'm a pilgrim from the east I'm cold,I'm tired,my soul is weak Do forgive me I am thirsty for the truth and love and wine And I promise that I won't waste your time Unbelievable Lyrics:Soler Music:Soler/Peter Gorton Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Adrian Da Silva I know you love ice-coffee And how you chase the moon I stick to you life toffee On a sunny afternoon It feels like heaven Whenever I'm with you Girl you mean the world to me You gave me wings and set me free So free You're the sunlight in my soul You lift me up high when I am low You're so unbelievable It always smells like flowers Everywhere we go All the things around us Somehow seem to glow You bring me heaven And I think that you should know Girl you mean the world to me You gave me wings and set me free So free You're the sunlight in my soul You lift me up high when I am low You're a dream It's purely amazing Simply engaging Watching your smile I can't live without you I want to hold you all the time Yeah yeah yeah yeah You're all I need I feel complete Baby you're just so Unbelievable Hey Ma Lyrics:Soler Music:Soler/Peter Gorton Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao/Skot Suyama Hey ma I'm home again I've had such a crazy life And now I can't tell wrong from right But I won't give up without a fight Hey Ma I'm a weary soul How was I supposed to know That the world would be so cold? All I've learned is to let go Will I ever find my way back to where I was before? Will I ever find my way back again? Hey ma I'm off again I's so hard to be a man But I'm sure you'll understand Will I ever find my way back to where I was before? Will I ever find my way back again? In the end only love remains... Hey ma I'm home again Walking On Ice Lyrics:Dino Acconci Music:Soler/Peter Gorton Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton I'm walking on ice You search for the light has ended in tears For years you have wondered pondered over life You wandered off and lost your way I'm walking on ice Do you realize we're light years apart I'm starting to think That nothing's ever going to Bridge this gap of differences O brother where art thou You're lost amongst the clouds O when will you come down again? I'm walking on ice I know that in time the choices I've made Will show me the way to save you And protect you From your self-destructiveness O brother where art thou... Lead Lyrics:Soler Music:Soler/Peter Gorton Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao/Skot Suyama I woke up and found your letter A message traced in lead It said that you Will not be coming back That all the things I do Just seem to make you sad And I never listen It says we have no future The problem is that I don't understand I don't communicate that I am half the man I was yesterday and home Feels like prison Run babe run away from me take everything you need Hey don't come crawling back to me When your heart is filled with regrets When all the things that you said Weighs on you like lead Like lead! Did you expect me to change? What's wrong with me? I've always been the same Have you met someone else Or have you gone insane? I ask myself the reason why Run babe... Saving Grace Written:Soler Arranger:Soler/Peter Gorton/Daniele Bao/Adrian Da Silva Adam and Eve and all the strangeness of humanity Sent my soul into an orbit of anxiety Then one night my father appeared to me in my dream And this is what he said "Forgive and then forget" So I asked him what of all the pain I'm going through And if it's right to hate the one you think is hurting you As I lay there in despair He placed his hands upon my head And as I wept This is what he said "Son you'll see oceans Mountains high and low You'll have snowflakes slowly melting on your nose And oh that feeling of the sun warming your face The light of saving grace" After everything I've said And all the stupid things I've done The snow has melted and today I'm dancing in the sun I still believe that he's up there Watching over me I swear sometimes I hear A whisper in my ear Son you'll see oceans Mountains high and low You'll have snowflakes slowly melting on your nose And oh that feeling of the light of saving grace -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #175X4sLM (Soler)