Re: [情報] Mario和Pchy要演新電影!!!!(被P澄清了)

看板Siam-Star (泰國明星)作者 (〔si:〕)時間12年前 (2012/01/04 01:06), 編輯推噓4(402)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
因為是我貼的所以有義務來說說後續 剛剛看到Pchy在FB澄清... ------------------------------------------------- Pchy August I'm going to have a recording for the OST of a new Chinese film starring Mario called "Ai Zai Na Yi Tian" in the next 2 weeks. I'm just singing, not taking part in the film. I think there's a misunderstanding about this. and there's still no news for a Thai film that I and Mario join together. I know you guys disappointed. Don't be too sad. I might see him again at the new film tour. Please stay tuned and wait for the newa. or follow me at (Capital W) Ciao! -------------------------------------------------- 也就是說他只有唱中文插曲的樣子 被Mario誤導了 QQ 以上 曇花一現的歡喜唉 但還是很高興他們能一起工作囉~~~ (對了他今天開通了微博,  有在用的人可以去關注!) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/04 01:09, , 1F
也算是合作啦 只是沒共演...
01/04 01:09, 1F

01/04 09:41, , 2F
01/04 09:41, 2F

01/04 10:25, , 3F
01/04 10:25, 3F

01/04 20:48, , 4F
01/04 20:48, 4F

01/17 21:50, , 5F
01/17 21:50, 5F

02/05 06:06, , 6F
02/05 06:06, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1F0pMQTP (Siam-Star)
文章代碼(AID): #1F0pMQTP (Siam-Star)