
看板Siam-Star (泰國明星)作者 (NOTHING)時間16年前 (2009/02/26 18:43), 編輯推噓33(33086)
留言119則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
在此我必須說一百次感謝佳穎女神!! 感謝到女神的名號都會自動發出光輝!!!! 不過!!我是絕對不會把中文本文再貼一次的(at式菸) 想看的就去查3XX篇吧(攤手) 畢竟我在招牌bobo式微笑下還是有一顆柔軟如小鹿一般脆弱的心的 重貼那種鬼東西我作不來啦(掩嘴嬌笑) 唔...要怎麼作結啊=口= 管他的 反正就看下面啦 崩潰 Dec. 6, 2008, after five hours drive up to Taipei to feel the last show of 「Love of Siam」, when I was on the way back home and saw those scenes flashed past by my window, I cried. I cried so hard with snot and tears, and I’m thinking, the lights were so bright in the city, the neon lamp of 「PANASONIC」twinkling and floating high on the building,and and cars were shuttled on the streets, yellow and soft lights revealed from the Izakaya, but we’re still so lonely. Because of loneness, we need to accompany mutually and cannot help but gripping and pulling our love and hurt, however. So, it was just like that in that night. If there was such a person who knows about your past and carries the same feeling of loneness, there’s no others’ breath, your thinking are calling, responding that time in the crowded world. It`s just us, feeling the heart beat of ours only, so we lean together, just us, what’s wrong about the innocent? That’s why we love「Love of Siam」so much, it’s only because we’re so lonely. Once, in the past, I also hurt my mom badly, so I couldn’t help myself each time when I saw Sunee crying. My dad left home when I moved back home from my grandma coincidentally, and he wouldn’t show up in several weeks. That year, I was eight. I felt so panic, since I was a child till grew up, I always thought it was my fault for my dad’s leaving and the divorce, and my mom had to earn our livings in the debauched place. I think it’s why I can understand so much when Tong said:「I don’t know」 .Although I do know something in fact, but it seemed that something would change since I speak it out . I don’t know how to do to make it better to you? Will the balance be break down rapidly if I decide to do something? Is it what you really want? Am I qualified to make these choices? Can I bear the consequence after my decision? I don’t know….Maybe everything is best now, maybe I couldn’t bear any more if I changed it. It was so complicated. But I was all alone, and it was just all I wanted to be. Finally I got the power to embrace my mom, when I felt that I could make it up for something, I gave up what I liked and forgot the existence of me, nothing was important that time, all I wanted was helping my mom getting back to herself again, and I couldn’t load her anymore because of me. But it was not so easy as I thought, I found myself became more and more melancholy, I couldn’t attend school and breathe on the train to school, either. So I started cutting classed. But on the other hand, I pretended to be normal in front of my mom. I thought if I became stronger that everything would be better, maybe I wouldn’t have to be afraid of teachers and peer anymore and made up for those I lost in the past, then went on the same way of graduating from national university, joining the army and leaving for job hunting, just like what everybody else did. But I was dropped out from school, and that was not easy at all. “What did I do wrong?” “Was it my punishment?” “Didn’t I do enough for those times?” Every words was exactly like Sunee said. God knows how I collapsed when I saw these words, I deeply hope that everything would be normal again, but it seemed that I did in the wrong way, just in the wrong way. But I still love her so much, I just don’t know how. So is it still necessary to ask me about what the movie means to me? It’s just like history of my youth, but the grief is gone, as insipid as water, and they are all over. I can just laugh about my past, but to the movie, I can't. I can understand now it's all about love for those happened in the past, no matter how I decided. Maybe we have to be parted and disagree with something, but it’s all because of love. Love connects us together, no mater how far we are or how different we expect with each other, as long as there’s love, there’s hope. It's just like that, right? as the lyric describe ! Chok Dee, this is what I want to say eventually. Chok Dee, 「Love of Siam」. -- ◢◣◢◣ ╭————————————————————————————╮ ◢◣◢◣ ◥██◤╭╯ ◢█◣◢█◣ ╰╮◥██◤ ◥◤╰╯ 只 要 有 愛 ██████ 精華區web版 ╰╮◥◤ ◢◣◢◣ 就 有 希 望 《 愛在暹邏 》 http://0rz.tw/584UN ◢◣◢◣ ◥██◤╭╮全台票房中毒蔓延中.. ◥██◤ ╭╮◥██◤ ◥◤╰╯╯ ◥◤ ψiameva Edit.kinkitw.bennieth◥◤ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/26 18:58, , 1F
正妹佳穎翻了這麼一大篇喔@@ 真的是才貌兼具耶~~~
02/26 18:58, 1F

02/26 18:58, , 2F
其實我也很喜歡這篇的原文 但是好不習慣這麼正常的bobo喔
02/26 18:58, 2F

02/26 19:01, , 3F
...it’s only because we’re so lonely. →我喜歡這句
02/26 19:01, 3F

02/26 19:01, , 4F
有的時候我們對某事物有共鳴 是因為在潛意識裡感受到
02/26 19:01, 4F

02/26 19:02, , 5F
自己自身的影子 只是我們沒感覺到而已
02/26 19:02, 5F

02/26 19:05, , 6F
= =阿螢妳是什麼時候看過本文的
02/26 19:05, 6F

02/26 19:05, , 7F
02/26 19:05, 7F

02/26 19:10, , 8F
02/26 19:10, 8F

02/26 19:11, , 9F
02/26 19:11, 9F

02/26 19:12, , 10F
chok lee是什麼呢?? 如果是要講祝好運保重的話,應
02/26 19:12, 10F

02/26 19:12, , 11F
該是要說 chok dee (chok lee會聽不懂有別的意思^^
02/26 19:12, 11F

02/26 19:15, , 12F
02/26 19:15, 12F

02/26 19:16, , 13F
兩句中間逗點卻沒有連接詞 可以這樣用嗎@@
02/26 19:16, 13F

02/26 19:18, , 14F
其實我知道是Chok Dee可是貼上就忘了改了 哈哈
02/26 19:18, 14F
※ 編輯: bobozhung 來自: (02/26 19:19)

02/26 19:19, , 15F
02/26 19:19, 15F

02/26 19:20, , 16F
02/26 19:20, 16F

02/26 19:23, , 17F
= =你的意思是說每個逗點後面都要加and嗎
02/26 19:23, 17F

02/26 19:24, , 18F
是說我覺得我們真的不用這麼認真 又不是要貼在英文課本
02/26 19:24, 18F

02/26 19:24, , 19F
哈哈 反正看得懂就好了啦(掩笑
02/26 19:24, 19F

02/26 19:27, , 20F
其實第一次看到bobo的文章 也寫的很感動~
02/26 19:27, 20F

02/26 19:28, , 21F
02/26 19:28, 21F

02/26 19:29, , 22F
02/26 19:29, 22F

02/26 19:30, , 23F
只能說 bobo"原形畢露" 看到本人跟推文很難聯想~
02/26 19:30, 23F

02/26 19:30, , 24F
其實我在寫那篇前就很歪了= =
02/26 19:30, 24F

02/26 19:33, , 25F
應該不用考慮文法= =!一個是泰文 一個是英文
02/26 19:33, 25F

02/26 19:33, , 26F
02/26 19:33, 26F

02/26 19:35, , 27F
02/26 19:35, 27F

02/26 19:35, , 28F
02/26 19:35, 28F

02/26 19:39, , 29F
02/26 19:39, 29F

02/26 19:39, , 30F
阿瑩 因為你未滿十八歲 bobo私下的行為 令人髮指~
02/26 19:39, 30F

02/26 19:43, , 31F
02/26 19:43, 31F

02/26 19:47, , 32F
檯面下 阿瑩應該沒看過吧!
02/26 19:47, 32F

02/26 19:49, , 33F
02/26 19:49, 33F

02/26 19:52, , 34F
阿 那麼快翔翔跟八角都被你染指了啊~
02/26 19:52, 34F

02/26 20:07, , 35F
02/26 20:07, 35F

02/26 20:07, , 36F
所以私底下的bobo是18禁節目 我懂了(筆記)
02/26 20:07, 36F

02/26 20:11, , 37F
"材"...唔...就是台語的"放置"...(怎麼變台語教室= =
02/26 20:11, 37F

02/26 20:14, , 38F
bobo只有中文版那篇比較正常(反常?) 英文好強!
02/26 20:14, 38F
還有 41 則推文
02/27 02:54, , 80F
02/27 02:54, 80F

02/27 20:45, , 81F
02/27 20:45, 81F

02/27 20:46, , 82F
我才不像當初sy對我使出暗黑大法= =
02/27 20:46, 82F

02/27 21:55, , 83F
02/27 21:55, 83F

02/27 21:56, , 84F
02/27 21:56, 84F

02/27 21:56, , 85F
02/27 21:56, 85F

02/27 21:56, , 86F
02/27 21:56, 86F

02/27 21:56, , 87F
02/27 21:56, 87F

02/27 21:57, , 88F
02/27 21:57, 88F

02/27 22:01, , 89F
恩...怎麼寫完不覺得可怕 想像畫面還滿噁的阿 = =
02/27 22:01, 89F

02/27 22:01, , 90F
02/27 22:01, 90F

02/27 22:02, , 91F
其實我沒看過恐怖旅社 這畫面是我昨天想到的
02/27 22:02, 91F

02/27 22:02, , 92F
洗澡的時候....胡思亂想 XD
02/27 22:02, 92F

02/27 22:03, , 93F
這畫面跟恐怖旅社是沒什麼像啦 因為那是直接打成汁...
02/27 22:03, 93F

02/27 22:04, , 94F
02/27 22:04, 94F

02/27 22:05, , 95F
02/27 22:05, 95F

02/27 22:06, , 96F
你可以說吃的時候"貪婪地在白瓷湯匙邊舔了一圈 用舌頭將
02/27 22:06, 96F

02/27 22:07, , 97F
02/27 22:07, 97F

02/27 22:08, , 98F
觸感 想像那便是初生嬰孩稚嫩的肌膚 他忍不住咬嚙開那餃
02/27 22:08, 98F

02/27 22:09, , 99F
子 一股肉腥的芬芳衝入口中 之類的....(還是要吃人比
02/27 22:09, 99F

02/27 22:09, , 100F
02/27 22:09, 100F

02/27 22:10, , 101F
02/27 22:10, 101F

02/27 22:10, , 102F
02/27 22:10, 102F

02/27 22:10, , 103F
不愧是bobo~果然是恐怖片編劇 XD
02/27 22:10, 103F

02/27 22:11, , 104F
大概是我形容的不夠完整 原本的畫面是
02/27 22:11, 104F

02/27 22:12, , 105F
湯=血 麵=頭髮 肉片=唇 水晶餃=眼珠
02/27 22:12, 105F

02/27 22:12, , 106F
下次應該出現個半張臉 還是半顆頭之類的
02/27 22:12, 106F

02/27 22:13, , 107F
那樣不恐怖啊 如果是一整鍋湯浮上腐爛掉的臉....
02/27 22:13, 107F

02/27 22:14, , 108F
哼哼 好多了(滿足的微笑
02/27 22:14, 108F

02/27 22:15, , 109F
澳~不太酥湖也 ^^"
02/27 22:15, 109F

02/27 22:15, , 110F
欸 如果是師傅在滾湯的時候 主角跑進廚房喊師傅
02/27 22:15, 110F

02/27 22:15, , 111F
然後師傅不理他只是攪著大湯匙 主角上前拍了師父的肩
02/27 22:15, 111F

02/27 22:16, , 112F
然後赫然看到湯裡浮沉著半顆人頭 一頭黑髮隨著滾沸的泡
02/27 22:16, 112F

02/27 22:16, , 113F
02/27 22:16, 113F

02/27 22:17, , 114F
= = bobo應該有可能出現在社會版
02/27 22:17, 114F

02/27 22:17, , 115F
02/27 22:17, 115F

02/27 22:18, , 116F
02/27 22:18, 116F

02/27 22:19, , 117F
02/27 22:19, 117F

02/27 22:19, , 118F
02/27 22:19, 118F

02/27 22:20, , 119F
痾....打錯 太專注於眉毛 XD
02/27 22:20, 119F
文章代碼(AID): #19fd8waq (Siam-Star)
文章代碼(AID): #19fd8waq (Siam-Star)