[訪談] 關於I, Tonya的訪談

看板Sebastian作者 (你藍眼中的反光板)時間7年前 (2017/12/19 00:11), 編輯推噓9(901)
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最近Seb在宣傳I, Tonya,有爆多訪問和活動,挑幾個po囉~ 除了關於Tonya都還要問一下復聯和Mark爹父子梗XD 練聽力的訪問影片: 22 minutes with Sebastian Stan https://youtu.be/vw8K6Omry0k
Tonya劇中角色深度剖析~ 提到凱文費吉曾說他不確定Seb能不能演好Bucky, 但一定能演好冬兵XD(Bucky比冬兵難演???) 'I couldn't put down' this 'funny, scary, sad' Tonya Harding script https://youtu.be/8UTcRSvolzo
為何接演、如何放下偏見投入角色~ 偽天行者試鏡,太可愛了XDDD https://youtu.be/f9Ys_4snP4Q
上GMA播復3和Tonya的預告,還錄了一段留言給馬克叔XD 中文字幕 https://www.bilibili.com/video/av16827114/ 下面這個Esquire平面採訪算是集最近訪問的大成 還提到他對最近席捲好萊塢醜聞的看法和將與妮可基嫚拍的新片 IN ORDER TO PLAY A REAL-LIFE VILLAIN, SEBASTIAN STAN FIRST HAD TO UNDERSTAND HIM -The I, Tonya star wants to re-examine masculinity in an era of bad men. 原文網址:https://goo.gl/Y4mHRY 中譯(微博網址):https://goo.gl/gt2Dsz https://i.imgur.com/ngICaBL.jpg
Esquire完整採訪:詮釋壞人的前提是,Sebastian Stan需要先了解他 這位《I, Tonya》的主演想先探討一下這個壞男人時代裡男子漢氣概的定義。 --SebastianStan中文資訊站 2017-12-15 In January of this year, while filming I, Tonya, Sebastian Stan dropped into a bar to meet up with a bunch of his Marvel co-stars in Atlanta. These are people he’s known since at least 2010, when he was cast as Bucky Barnes in Captain America: The First Avenger, a film that propelled one of the biggest movie franchises in modern history and Stan’s own career. Since that first Captain America film, he’s repeated the role in its two sequels; he’s also slated to appear in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War, which began filming earlier this year. He’s pretty good friends with some of the most recognizable superhero movie stars on the planet. They’re his people. 今年一月《I, Tonya》的拍攝期間, Sebastian Stan和他在復仇者聯盟的朋友們約在了亞 特蘭大的一個酒吧見面。早在2010年被選定出演《美國隊長:復仇者先鋒》里的巴基·巴 恩斯時,他就已經結識了如今與他坐在酒吧中的這些朋友。《美隊1》促成了現如今最大 的電影系列,也為Stan自己的事業起到了重要的推動作用。自從出演了第一部美國隊長, Sebastian還參演了美國隊長的兩部續集;同時也確定將出現在今年早些時候已經開機的 《復仇者聯盟:無限戰爭》中。他與很多現今最為人熟知的超級英雄是好朋友。他們都是 自己人。 But when he walked into the middle of the bar, no one knew who the hell he was. “I went and stood in the center of where everyone was hanging out and I realized that no one recognized me,” Stan says. “I had this haircut that was really high, a mustache and no sideburns, and I was very pale. I stood there for a minute before I went up to someone and was like, ‘Hey, it’s me. ’” 但在那天,當他走進那個酒吧之後,竟沒有人認出他。 “我站在酒吧中間,他們都在那邊聊天,結果我發現他們都沒認出我是誰” Stan說。“ 我當時頭髮非常短,留了個小胡子,把鬢角也給剃了, 而且那個時候我慘白慘白的。我 在那站了一會,最後直接去找個人搭話說:嗨,是我呀。” You can’t really blame them, either. In I, Tonya, Stan looks almost nothing like the rugged and brooding Bucky Barnes. He transforms into the slimy Jeff Gillooly, Tonya Harding’s estranged husband and a figure skating villain who served time in prison for his involvement in the infamous attack on Nancy Kerrigan ahead of the 1994 Winter Olympics. Along with the short hair and mustache, Stan assumes Gillooly’s meek-until-explosive temperament and his soft, delicate voice. It’s a chilling likeness to the man who helped destroy the career of one of the greatest figure skaters of all time—but allowed her to take most of the public’s blame. 你也無法怪他們,真的。在《I, Tonya》里,Stan看起來和命運多舛充滿憂郁氣質的巴基 ·巴恩斯完全不一樣。他變身成了奸詐狡猾的Jeff Gillooly,與Tonya Harding反目的丈 夫和一個因為參與了著名的1994年冬奧會前對Nancy Kerrigan襲擊事件而坐牢的花滑界反 派。不單是剪短了頭髮,留了胡子,Stan還繼承了Gillooly的不爆發就溫順的脾氣,和他 溫柔的聲音。這與那個一手摧毀了史上最偉大花滑選手卻還把她推到公眾面前承擔了大半 責任的人相像到令人害怕。 https://i.imgur.com/AozONhu.jpg
In fact, if I hadn’t known it was Stan playing Gillooly, I might not have even recognized the world-famous Marvel actor—a confession he’s glad to hear. “You’re always hoping to disappear in something,” Stan says, accepting the compliment. In order to dive deep into the character, he spent a month and a half listening to interviews with Jeff Gillooly. He also watched any footage he could find, and he eventually traveled to Portland, Oregon, where he spent three hours chatting with Gillooly—who changed his name to Jeff Stone—at a nice Mexican restaurant in town. 事實上,如果我不知道Gillooly是由Stan扮演的,我甚至可能無法認出這位世界知名的漫 威演員。他很高興聽到我這個想法。 “你總希望能消失在角色里“ Stan接受了表揚。為了能深入到角色中,他花了一個半月 聽Jeff的訪談。他也觀看了所有能找到的片段,最後他還去了波特蘭和現在改名叫Jeff Stone的Gillooly在一家墨西哥餐廳聊了三個小時。 Stan admits he was nervous to meet the almost-forgotten Gillooly; one might imagine Jeff Stone might have had the same trepidation. “At that point, the only thing I really cared about was physicality, mannerisms, anything that I could see that I picked up from him,” Stan says. “The first thing he asked me was, ‘Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to see this movie? Why did you decide that you want to be in this movie?’ My impression was that it must be very strange for him to want to revisit that story. I don ’t think it’s anything that he wants to talk about.” Stan承認要去見幾乎被大眾遺忘的Gillooly時非常緊張;可以想像Jeff Stone可能也有同 樣的不安。”那時候,我只關心他的身體狀態,舉手投足,或者任何我能看到並學習的東 西” Stan說到。“他問我的第一句話是為什麽會有人想拍這個電影,為什麽會有人想看 這個電影,為什麽你想出演?我的印象是對於他來說重提此事肯定非常怪異,我並不認為 他願意談起這些。” Yet the Tonya Harding saga, all these years later, is still something a lot of people really do want to talk about. I, Tonya, which takes a surprisingly comic approach to the figure skater’s life story, is framed by interviews with its leading players. Presented as talking heads in a faux-documentary, Margot Robbie’s Harding, Stan’s Gillooly, and Allison Janney’s LaVona Fay Golden (Harding’s mother) take turns narrating the larger story of Harding’ s rise and fall—and then another rise and fall—in competitive figure skating, culminating in Harding’s ultimately disappointing performance in Lillehammer and her ban from the United States Figure Skating Association. https://i.imgur.com/5oZhUDc.jpg
然而這麽多年後,Tonya Harding如傳奇般的故事還是為眾人所津津樂道。《I, Tonya》 以對主角們的訪談為框架,出人意料地用喜劇的方式去呈現這位花滑選手的人生。以一種 偽紀錄片的方式開場,Margot Robbie扮演的Harding,Stan扮演的Gillooly,Allison Janney扮演的LaVona Fay Golden (Harding的母親) 輪流出場講述Harding起起落落的人 生,她的花滑選手經歷,以及這一切是如何最終導致了她在利勒哈默爾最令人失望的那場 比賽和被美國花滑協會禁賽。 This Rashomon-style take on a salacious tabloid story attempts to show that, beyond the media frenzy that abused Harding’s image and laid the groundwork for what became out exhausting and overwhelming 24-hour news cycle, the story of the events are still somewhat complicated. “There’s no such thing as truth. I mean, It’s bullshit,” Robbie’s Harding says in the film. The unreliable narrators only reiterate that theme, with conflicting accounts of the attack on Kerrigan, the abuse Harding suffered from her mother and her husband, and the subjectivity with which Harding’s many judges viewed her athleticism and class standing. 用羅生門的方式來講述這樣一個低俗的小道故事,目的是希望能展現出在媒體狂熱的濫用 Harding的形象以完成令人疲憊不堪和連環轟炸的新聞而最終催生了24小時新聞的產生之 外,其實事件本身還是想當複雜的。“並沒有什麽所謂的真相,我是說,那都是廢話” 羅比扮演的Harding在電影里說道。無法令人信服的敘述者們只是再次印證了這個主題 — — 無論是對Kerrigan襲擊事件不同的記憶,還是Harding從母親和丈夫那里受到的虐待, 還是多位裁判對Harding出身和運動技術的主觀判斷。 Gillooly is a challenging character to play both morally and in terms of physical imitation. Yet, Stan does exactly what he needs to, which is to take some of the blame away from Harding in a re-examination of the Kerrigan attack. The film poses Harding as the victim at the hands of the media, the figure skating community, poverty, her mother, and Gillooly’s toxic masculinity. In terms of performance, Stan shines alongside Margot Robbie’s brilliant, sympathetic, and Oscar-worthy portrayal of Harding, with his own character rife with complications.、 Gillooly是一個對道德和身體都富有挑戰性的角色,但Stan恰恰做到了需要他做到的一切 :在重新審視這場對Kerrigan襲擊時承擔一部分原本屬於Harding的罵名。這部電影把 Harding描繪成了一個在媒體,花滑圈,貧窮,母親和Gillooly扭曲的雄性姿態下的受害 者。從表演的層面上來說,Stan自己角色的多重複雜性,讓他和羅比出類拔萃,引人同情 ,具有得獎潛質的表演一起大放異彩。 While I, Tonya examines the athlete’s life and career with a wide lens, its most intimate moments—shared between Stan and Robbie—are at times the most harrowing. The dark comedic tone of the film has been polarizing for critics and audiences, but they represent screenwriter Steven Rogers’s (not that Steven Rogers) attempts to show their relationship from the “wildly contradictory” interviews with Harding and Gillooly. That means we see Harding’s accusations of intense domestic abuse as well as Gillooly’s version—in which he insists he was a supportive husband to his selfish wife. Stan admits those parts in the narrative were uncomfortable to film as they are to watch. “It was very difficult with me for this role,” he says, “ because it was hard to pull off those scenes.” https://i.imgur.com/xXooyUd.jpg
當《I,Tonya》把這位運動員的人生和職業生涯放在一起,其中一些最親密的瞬間 —— 在Stan和羅比之間 —— 也同時是最悲慘的瞬間。這部電影的黑色喜劇基調得到了一些兩 極的評價,但這是編劇Steven Rogers (不是那個Steve Rogers) 基於Harding和Gillooly 之間“完全相悖”的採訪來表現他們關係的手法。這意味著我們會看到Harding說受到家 暴的版本,也會看到Gillooly堅持說自己是個給予自私妻子支持的版本。Stan承認這些片 段拍攝起來就和觀看起來一樣不舒服,“這對我來說很難” 他說,“因為這些片段很難 演。” Despite the awkwardness of filming the more violent moments, the actor says he ’s grateful that he had Robbie there to work through some of the complexity of these scenes. “There were a lot of times where we would just laugh at each other—not because of the content, but because we were both struggling to show up and make it believable. We’re not these people. How do we make it believable?” Stan says. “There was a time in the car and we were shooting a scene at, like, 3:00 a.m. It was very serious. We were setting up; I was in this white turtleneck, and Margot was in the passenger seat with fake blood all over her face. I looked over at her and was like, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ She said, ‘I’m good, how are you?” And then she laughed and said, ‘Who have we become?’” 儘管片中需要拍攝很多暴力的鏡頭,這位演員表示他很慶幸能和羅比一起完成這些複雜的 場面。“有很多時候我們會互相嘲笑,不是因為拍攝內容而是我們都很掙扎的想演出逼真 的場面。我們不是他們。我們如何讓場面可信?” Stan講道:”有一次我們在車里拍攝 一幕,大概是淩晨三點鐘,非常嚴肅的場面,我們都準備好了。我穿了一件白色的高領衫 ,Margot臉上沾滿了假的血跡坐在副駕駛,我看向她說:Hey 你怎麽樣?她說:我很好你 呢?然後她笑出了聲,說:我們到底變成了什麽啊?” This is a movie that comes at a pivotal time when the media and entertainment industry is focused on exposing abusive men in positions of power. That makes I, Tonya especially unsettling to watch. But Stan hopes that some of the more brutal scenes help spark a conversation about this revolution against the patriarchy. “It would be a very lonely world if you, as a man, had to resort to that kind of behavior in order to feel value, in order to feel like you’ re taken seriously. It’s cowardly,” he says. “It’s clear to me that only someone who feels extremely emasculated could possibly behave like that. What does it say about masculinity? Now is the time more than ever for us to review what masculinity is about. Violence has always been unfortunately embedded in masculinity, this alpha thing. It’s more complicated than that.” https://i.imgur.com/XWWV4wF.jpg
這部電影上映恰好是媒體和娛樂圈集中曝光有權勢的男士們濫用職權之際。這使得《I, Tonya》尤其令人不安。但Stan希望某些暴力的場景會引起一些關於反抗父權制度的對話 。 ”這將會是一個非常孤獨的世界,如果你,一個男人,必須要以這樣的行為來證明自己的 價值,來感覺自己被認真的對待。這是非常懦夫的行為“ 他說。“我清楚地覺得只有非 常軟弱的人才有可能做出這樣的行為。這算什麽男子氣概?現在比任何時候都適合讓我們 再次好好審視男子氣概是什麽。不幸的是,暴力好像是男子氣概的一部分,這所謂的雄性 領袖之類的,實際上要比這個複雜多了。” Even in his Marvel career, Stan has been able to analyze the complexities of masculinity in his acting. In terms of comic book characters, Bucky Barnes is one of the more dynamic in the universe: he’s Captain America’s childhood friend and a comrade who is re-programmed into the mysterious assassin known as the Winter Soldier. At times a villain, at times a hero, Stan’s Barnes represents the spectrum of good and evil, where men have the ability to do great or terrible things. That Marvel character has acted as a base for Stan to jump into more serious drama like I, Tonya. 即使在他的漫威職業生涯里,Stan也能夠分析和演繹出複雜的男性氣質。在漫畫宇宙當中 ,巴基·巴恩斯是一個充滿變化的角色:他是美國隊長年少時的好友和戰友,也是被重設 成神秘殺手的冬日戰士。一時反派,一時英雄,Stan飾演的巴恩斯橫跨了善與惡,體現了 男人也是有能力做好事或壞事。這個漫威的角色為Stan出演像《I, Tonya》這樣更嚴肅的 電影打下了基礎。 The film comes at a key moment in Stan's own career in which the success of the Marvel movies have given him the opportunity to explore more challenging projects like this. Next, he’s working on an Los Angeles-set film noir from director Karyn Kusama, one in which he and Nicole Kidman play undercover cops who infiltrate a cult. But Marvel is still very much in the picture, and when I ask if he's ever considered a Bucky stand-alone movie, he nearly jumps out of his chair.“I don’t know when—knock on wood—that would be an amazing experience,” he says.I’d be up for it whenever. There’s definitely a lot there to be explored. It’s fun, and the guy has got some identity issues. ” 這部電影出現在Stan職業生涯的一個關鍵點,漫威電影取得的成功給他了挑戰其他項目的 機會。接下來他將出演一部設定在LA由Karyn Kusam執導的黑色電影,他和Nicole Kidman 將在里面出演臥底邪教的警察。但漫威還是佔據了他職業生涯的很大一部分,當我問他有 沒有想過一部獨立的巴基電影的時候,他幾乎從椅子上跳起來。“我不知道什麽時候-上 天保佑- 這會是個非常美妙的經驗” 他說。”任何時候我都願意,確實還有很多可以被 探索的,很有趣的,而且他(指巴基)有一些身份認同方面的問題。” And speaking of Stan starring in spin-offs of massive action properties: on the day before we chat, a photoshopped image of the actor as Luke Skywalker goes viral on Reddit. It’s so convincing that Mark Hamill even started referring to Stan as “his son.” "I feel like I have some sort of his blessing,” Stan says. “I didn’t even realize it actually, I used to love Luke Skywalker when I was younger. Then a friend said to me, they’ve already done young Luke Skywalker, so you would be middle-aged Luke Skywalker.” What about the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, Stan muses? “ That’s where I’d come in.” https://i.imgur.com/TLI2B2p.jpg
說起來讓Stan出演大型動作系列片的衍生電影,在我們聊天的前一天,有一張把他ps成 Luke Skywalker的圖片在Reddit大肆傳播。可信度之高以至於Mark Hamill都開始稱呼 Stan為兒子。 “我覺得我得到了他某種程度上的首肯“ Stan說,“實際上我都沒有發現,我年輕時候 非常喜歡Luke Skywalker。然後有個朋友跟我說他們已經拍過年輕的Luke了,你可能是中 年Luke“那《絕地歸來》和《原力覺醒》中間這段時間如何?Stan玩笑道:”這時候就該 我出場啦。” He’d likely disappear into that role, too. And now is definitely the time, when we can find some value in a man who can play both heroes and villains with the critical eye that Stan brings to both. 他同樣也會消失在那個角色裡的。現在也該是時候了,我們應該更珍惜像Stan這樣能同時 扮演英雄和反派的人。 【不知道字幕組】翻譯:小姜 秋秋 封面圖;攝影師:Kathryn Wirsing;記者:Matt Miller封面圖;攝影師:Kathryn Wirsing;記者:Matt Miller 採訪花絮小短片>///< https://www.instagram.com/p/BcsC-YlBJVn/ https://i.imgur.com/1fqhzzt.gif
動圖 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sebastian/M.1513613501.A.AA1.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1QD-YzgX (Sebastian)