[慶生] 31th HAPPY KEY DAY ○ 生日活動結算

看板SHINee (SHINee - 溫流,鐘鉉,KEY,珉豪,泰民)作者 (Hsin)時間2年前 (2021/10/13 21:03), 2年前編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
▁▂ ▊ ▄▅▅▆ ▂▃ ▃ ▁▃ ▁▂▃▃ ▅▆▁▂▃ ▆▅ ▇ ▊ ▅▆▆ ▁▁ ▃▃▄▄▅▅ ▄▄▅▅ ▄ ▃ ▌ ▋ ▎█ ▁▂ ▋ ◢ ※搶樓 #1XIJG6FN 特殊樓層 923 P , 私心創意獎 200 P 其實沒想到會這麼多英文XDD 首樓

09/21 09:29,
I LOVE that you're my favorite star. Happy birthday
09/21 09:29

09/21 09:29,
to Key!!!
09/21 09:29

09/23 23:01,
I LOVE that you're always be my hope
09/23 23:01

09/23 09:23,
I LOVE that you're so handsome. Happy birthday KEY!
09/23 09:23

09/23 09:23,
I LOVE that you're full of confidence in your
09/23 09:23

09/23 09:23,
09/23 09:23

09/23 21:23,
I LOVE that you're versatile and wonderful. Happy b
09/23 21:23

09/23 21:23,
irthday to KEY!
09/23 21:23
acelong: I LOVE that you're the brightest star on the stage 09/23 21:23

09/23 21:23,
.Happy birthday.
09/23 21:23

09/23 21:23,
I LOVE that you’re the most important key on stage
09/23 21:23

09/23 21:23,
. The most fantastic song of the year is [Hate that
09/23 21:23

09/23 21:23,
...] ,and I will look forward to your good or wonde
09/23 21:23

09/23 21:23,
rful works.
09/23 21:23

09/23 21:23,
\ Happy Key birthday /
09/23 21:23

09/21 15:43,
I LOVE that you're who you are and just because it's you
09/21 15:43

09/21 15:43,
. Happy birthday to our lovely KEY.
09/21 15:43

09/22 23:22,
I LOVE that you're always know what you want to do a
09/22 23:22

09/22 23:22,
nd enjoy. I’ll wait for the day we can meet FACE to
09/22 23:22

09/22 23:22,
face. Happy KEY day~
09/22 23:22
※創意接龍 #1XIQKNIV 成功組每人 525 P

09/21 20:47,
09/21 20:47

09/21 20:47,
09/21 20:47

09/21 20:47,
09/21 20:47

09/21 20:48,
09/21 20:48

09/21 20:48,
09/21 20:48

09/21 20:48,
09/21 20:48

09/21 20:49,
09/21 20:49

09/21 20:54,
09/21 20:54

09/21 20:55,
Everything is so wonderful.
09/21 20:55

09/21 20:56,
my super star
09/21 20:56

09/21 21:00,
Love you forever.
09/21 21:00
※搶答 —————————————————————— ︱名次 SHINee World 分數 獎金 ︱ ︱————————————————————— ︱一位 martinjh 32分 10923 P ︱ ︱二位 LisaJinki 30分 9923 P ︱ ︱三位 freedomleave 24分 8923 P ︱ ︱四位 hihiair 22分 7923 P ︱ ︱五位 zxp86081 21分 6923 P ︱ ︱六位 sookie125 8分 5923 P ︱ ︱七位 kazunariken 7分 4923 P ︱ —————————————————————— 搶答之解答篇 待補 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SHINee/M.1634130193.A.5E9.html ※ 編輯: HsinCJM ( 臺灣), 10/13/2021 21:27:31

10/13 22:28, 2年前 , 1F
推推 辛苦了
10/13 22:28, 1F
※ 編輯: HsinCJM ( 臺灣), 10/13/2021 22:30:14

10/13 23:19, 2年前 , 2F
感謝小板主 辛苦了
10/13 23:19, 2F

10/14 10:50, 2年前 , 3F
推推 辛苦了
10/14 10:50, 3F

10/14 17:28, 2年前 , 4F
10/14 17:28, 4F

10/14 19:35, 2年前 , 5F
推推 辛苦了~~
10/14 19:35, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1XPjaHNf (SHINee)
文章代碼(AID): #1XPjaHNf (SHINee)