[情報] Anti拿下Billboard專輯榜冠軍

看板Rihanna作者 (Rihanna是我女朋友)時間9年前 (2016/02/13 22:16), 編輯推噓1(104)
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http://atrl.net/forums/showthread.php?t=946073 Rihanna’s Anti album vaults to No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, marking the diva’s second leader. The set earned 166,000 units in the U.S. in the week ending Feb. 4, according to Nielsen Music, with pure album sales equating to 124,000 of that sum. Anti jumps from No. 27 to No. 1 on the list, following the album’s arrival on the tally a week ago (chart dated Feb. 13, reflecting data in the tracking week ending Jan. 28). Anti bowed at No. 27 after being available for only a fraction of the chart’ s tracking week. The album was released through Tidal's streaming service on the evening of Jan. 27, commercially released the next day (again, through Tidal), and became widely available to all digital retailers on Jan. 29. Anti's first full week of sales (124,000) was likely tempered by the album's previous availability as a free download, supported by Samsung. It was given away beginning on Jan. 27 in a limited quantity and generated 1.47 million downloads globally in less than 15 hours. Those gratis downloads did not count toward the charts or Nielsen Music's sales figures. Rihanna previously led the Billboard 200 with her last studio effort, 2012’s Unapologetic. It launched with 238,000 copies sold in its first week. Anti is also Rihanna’s eighth top 10 album — every one of her studio efforts has reached the region. She first hit the top 10 with her debut album, Music of the Sun, which bowed and peaked at No. 10 on the chart dated Sept. 17, 2005. Anti以銷量16.6萬拿下冠軍(純專輯銷量12.4萬) 成為她生涯第二張冠軍專輯(好弱才兩張XDDD) 還有我真的不知道現在專輯包括串流是怎麼算的 有人可以幫我解答嗎? 我已經很久沒在追榜了= = 她所發的八張專輯都進入了Top 10的紀錄 其中從A Girl Like Me到Unapologetic都有破百 希望這張也能延續傳統慢慢賣到破百... 不管怎樣有冠軍總比沒冠軍好免得酸民說嘴(g_____之類的人) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Rihanna/M.1455372962.A.D0D.html

02/14 14:33, , 1F
我在西音有貼過算法 可以去看看
02/14 14:33, 1F

02/14 19:10, , 2F
02/14 19:10, 2F

02/14 19:10, , 3F
02/14 19:10, 3F

02/14 19:21, , 4F
現在的Billboard 200是灌水榜 Top Album Sales是實
02/14 19:21, 4F

02/14 19:21, , 5F
銷榜 然分類專輯榜也是實銷目前基本上是這樣XD
02/14 19:21, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1MlpgYqD (Rihanna)
文章代碼(AID): #1MlpgYqD (Rihanna)