[新聞] 110925 Rainbow栽經公開了她的名片

看板Rainbow作者 (高髮箍)時間13年前 (2011/09/25 15:39), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Rainbow‘s JaeKyung recently revealed her business card. Rainbow栽經最近公開了她的名片. On the afternoon of September 24th, Jaekyung posted the lovely selca above and wrote via twitter, “Ta-da! Rainbow‘s red! It’s Charismatic leader JaeKyung! Isn’t my business card pretty?” 9月24日下午, 栽經po上可愛的自拍且在推特寫著, "瞧! 我是Rainbow的紅色! charismatic隊長栽經! 我的名片漂亮吧?" In the photo, Jaekyung is seen nicely smiling while holding her red business card which contains a picture of herself. ‘RAINBOW-JAEKYUNG’ is also written as well as her name in Japanese. 照片中栽經拿著有她圖片的紅色名片. 除了 'RAINBOW-JAEKYUNG' 字樣, 上頭也寫著她 的日文名字. Netizens have commented, “I guess singers need business cards in Japan?“, “ The card is very pretty compared to a typical business card“, and “Show us the rest of the members’ business cards too!” 網友留言, "我猜在日本歌手都需要名片?", "這小卡跟一般的名片比起來非常漂亮", 和 "也給我們看看其他成員的名片吧!" Rainbow is currently busy promoting in both Korea and Japan. They returned to Korea on the 18th, as soon as they were done with promotions in Japan. Rainbow正忙碌於韓國和日本的宣傳. 她們在結束日本的宣傳活動後隨即於18號回到韓 國. From allkpop Source Nate Link http://goo.gl/IQOrk -- ★ ★ ███ ███ █▌█ ██◣ ███ ▋▋█ █▂█ █▃█ ███ █▆█ █▄█ ███ █ ◣ █ █ ▋██ █▆◤ ███ ███ Kim Jae Kyung Koh Woo Ri Cho Hyun Young Kim Ji Sook φwindyhorse No Eul Oh Seung A Jung Yoon Hye -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/27 21:52, , 1F
09/27 21:52, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1EVjgbs_ (Rainbow)
文章代碼(AID): #1EVjgbs_ (Rainbow)