[新聞] 110917 Rainbow在聽到她們Oricon的排名 …

Rainbow has kicked off their Japanese debut to a successful start,
maintaining their position at #3 on the Oricon chart for three straight days
Rainbow在日本出道即有個成功的開始, 至今連續3天維持住Oricon榜第3名的位置.
On September 14th, the girls released their debut single, “A“, which ranked
#3 on the daily singles chart with 10,141 copies sold. As of the 15th, they
girls are still going strong on the chart with 17,117 in sales. Rainbow has
jumped over SECRET‘s first week of sales (recorded at 13,124 copies), and
now they’re setting their sights on After School (23,760 copies) and KARA
(29,238 copies) records in their debut week.
9月14日, 她們發行了出道單曲, “A”, 銷量 10,141 張在單曲日榜中排名第3. 到
15日截止成長到 17,117 張. Rainbow超越了 SECRET 第一個禮拜的銷量(13,124張),
現在她們的目標設定在 After School(23,760張) 和 KARA(29,238張)出道第一週的記
The members stated, “When we first heard that we were ranked in third, we
were all surprised because we had no idea that they’d take such an interest
in us. There were even some members who cried.”
成員們表示, “當我們剛聽到排名第3時很驚訝, 沒想到大家對我們這麼的感興趣.
They continued, “There’s also a lot of pressure in that we have to work
harder and do better. We’re still very grateful and thankful for our
position on the charts. Since we’re already receiving so much love, we’re
really not anticipating a rise in the weekly charts. For the remainder of
our stay here, we’re just going to do our best.”
她們繼續說道, “這表示還有許多壓力使我們必須更努力且做得更好. 我們仍非常感
謝再感謝在榜上有這樣的位子. 因為我們已收到了這麼多的愛, 我們真的沒預料到
在週榜中名次會上升. 在之後停留的期間, 我們只有做到最好.”
To their fans, they stated, “To our loving and supportive fans, as well as
our company family, we thank you and thank you again. We’re going to go
back to Korea and work hard while still studying Japanese.”
給粉絲的話, “給我們可愛且支持我們的粉絲, 還有我們公司的家人, 我們感謝再感
謝你們. 我們將回去韓國而且用功學習日文”

From allkpop
Source X Sports News via Naver
Link http://goo.gl/qEafH
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