[新聞] 110829 Rainbow "我們去咖啡廳郊遊"

The girl group Rainbow revealed photos of their Cafe Outing.
On the 28th, Rainbow revealed photos through their official Facebook page of
what they did at a Seoul Cafe.
在28號, Rainbow在官方Facebook頁面揭露了她們在首爾咖啡廳拍的照片.
Since they will go for their Japan debut next month, they have gone to a Cafe
to recharge from all the studying and practicing they have done. In the cafe
they were talking, taking pictures and spent a really good time.
因為她們將致力於下個月的日本出道, 所以先去了咖啡廳為已經做的學習及練習工作
而回復體力. 在該咖啡廳她們聊天, 拍照且度過了美好時光.
They said “We were really happy to get some free time by gathering together
without any schedules” and “We will talk about our promotions and become of
good help for each other, it was a special time for us.”
她們說 "我們真的很開心有自由時間可以沒行程的聚在一起" 及 "我們會聊到關於宣
傳的事情, 成為其他每一個人的好幫手, 那對我們來說是特別的時光."
From: Visual Glow
Link: http://goo.gl/uA8Zl
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★ ★ █ ◣ █ █ █ ▋██ █▆◤ ███ ███ ★ ★
Kim Jae Kyung Koh Woo Ri Cho Hyun Young Kim Ji Sook
φwindyhorse No Eul Oh Seung A Jung Yoon Hye
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