[新聞] 110803 Rainbow啟用官方網站為日本出道 …

(備 http://ppt.cc/pI_Z )
On August 3rd, DSP Media launched Rainbow’s official Japanese
homepage in preparation for the girls’ debut.
8月3日, DSP Media以啟用Rainbow日本官網作為女孩們的出道準備.
The homepage contains information about their upcoming debut
single, “A“, as well as never-before-seen photos of the girls.
The site will serve as a platform of communication between the
members and their new fans.
首頁包含了她們即將發行的出道單曲 'A' 的資訊, 以及從未亮相的照片.
Rainbow have already acquired a strong fanbase, thanks to their
connection with sister group KARA. They’ve also earned a warm
welcoming from the Japanese press with their performances in
‘Music Bank in Tokyo‘ and the ‘Love 1 Festival’.
歸功於她們和姐妹團KARA的關係, Rainbow已有強大的粉絲群. 她們也藉
著在 "Music Bank in Tokyo" 和 "Love 1 Festival" 中的演出, 得到了
Rainbow stated, “We will be sharing news about our promotions
and various pictures and videos through our homepage to better
communicate with our fans. We’re glad that we have our own
homepage and promise to visit it often to update our fans with
good news.”
Rainbow表示, "為了和粉絲有更好的交流, 我們會在首頁上發布與宣傳
有關的新聞, 以及各式各樣的圖片及影片. 我們很開心有了自己的網站
Rainbow will be releasing their single on September 14th
Rainbow 將於 9月14日 發行單曲.
Source + Photos: Star News via Nate
From: allkpop
Link: http://ppt.cc/xsa_
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