[新聞] 110802 Magazine1的女團成員最佳身材前 …

看板Rainbow作者 (高金素箍)時間13年前 (2011/08/02 09:16), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
(備 http://ppt.cc/VxaV ) Magazine1 recently held a short segment on the top 7 girl group members with the best bodies Magazine1近期以最佳身材評選出女團成員前7名. With all the dancing, dieting, and exercising, all girl group members certainly show off attractive and fit bodies. However, there are certain things like height, muscles, and curves that sets these seven girls apart from the rest! 所有的女團成員都用跳舞、節食和運動來維持性感和理想的身材. 然而 , 某些部分像是身高、肌肉、曲線讓這7位女孩與眾不同. Magazine1 has decided on the following as the top 7: Magazine1選出了下列前7: 1) SNSD Yuri 2) After School Nana 3) f(x) Krystal 4) T-ara 孝敏 5) 4minute 南智賢 6) Rainbow 栽經 7) Dal Shabet Subin Do you agree with the results? 你同意這項結果嗎? Check out the clip below! 讓我們看看下面的片段吧! http://youtu.be/Blv9QWE8q8Q
From allkpop Link: http://goo.gl/x2Y1i -- ★ ★ ███ ███ █▌█ ██◣ ███ ▋▋█ █▂█ █▃█ ███ █▆█ █▄█ ███ █ ◣ █ █ ▋██ █▆◤ ███ ███ Kim Jae Kyung Koh Woo Ri Cho Hyun Young Kim Ji Sook φwindyhorse No Eul Oh Seung A Jung Yoon Hye -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: loveme00835:轉錄至看板 T-ara 08/02 09:22 ※ 編輯: loveme00835 來自: (08/02 09:47)

08/02 09:52, , 1F
08/02 09:52, 1F
chandler0227:轉錄至看板 AfterSchool 08/02 09:52

08/02 11:32, , 2F
真是百分滿分的S line!話說栽經穿bikini的片段是出自괰
08/02 11:32, 2F

08/02 11:34, , 3F
08/02 11:34, 3F

08/02 12:58, , 4F
08/02 12:58, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1EDq_lSs (Rainbow)
文章代碼(AID): #1EDq_lSs (Rainbow)