[新聞] 110727 Rainbow栽經是KARA知英的分身?

看板Rainbow作者 (高金素箍)時間13年前 (2011/07/28 23:36), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Rainbow’s Jaekyung’s new sel-ca pictures made her look similar to KARA’s Kang Jiyoung – catching the eyes of netizens. Rainbow栽經的新自拍圖讓她自己看起來像是KARA的姜知英 - 吸引了網友們的注意. On July 25th, Jaekyung uploaded the picture through her Twitter, tweeting, “ Fighting today, too, Bbashya!♥” In the picture, Jaekyung showed of her baby-faced beauty with her hair in pigtails. 在7月25日, 栽經透過推特上傳了該圖, 並推著, "Fighting today, too, Bbashya!  ♥" 在圖中,栽經用綁著馬尾的頭髮襯托出她的童顏美. She is seen winking or having her mouth slightly open in the sel-ca pictures, further drawing out her cute charms. In particular, Jaekyung’s pictures reminded netizens of KARA’s Jiyoung, drawing their focus towards these pictures. 在有的自拍圖中, 她的嘴微微地張開, 有的眨著眼, 更進一步地呈現出她可愛的魅 力. 特別是, 栽經的圖片讓網友聯想到KARA的知英, 吸引了他們的目光到這些圖片 上. Netizens commented, “Is this Jaekyung or Jiyoung?^^”, “They do look alike! ”, and “I think Jaekyung actually ages backwards.” 網友評論, "這是栽經還是知英?^^", "她們看起來好像!", 和 "我覺得栽經真的 變年輕了." http://i.imgur.com/uPWvv.jpg
From allkpop http://goo.gl/hCiuC Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate -- ★ ★ ███ ███ █▌█ ██◣ ███ ▋▋█ █▂█ █▃█ ███ █▆█ █▄█ ███ █ ◣ █ █ ▋██ █▆◤ ███ ███ Kim Jae Kyung Koh Woo Ri Cho Hyun Young Kim Ji Sook φwindyhorse No Eul Oh Seung A Jung Yoon Hye -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: loveme00835 來自: (07/28 23:39)

07/28 23:39, , 1F
在上次Tokyo的特別舞台 知英跟栽經一起出來 差點認不出來
07/28 23:39, 1F

07/28 23:40, , 2F
07/28 23:40, 2F

07/29 08:40, , 3F
07/29 08:40, 3F

07/29 11:44, , 4F
右上角那一張真的好像知英 不過知英還是比較肉(逃)
07/29 11:44, 4F

07/29 14:22, , 5F
栽經真的很愛雙馬尾..@@ 殺傷力超強阿>///<
07/29 14:22, 5F

07/29 14:59, , 6F
07/29 14:59, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1ECO823_ (Rainbow)
文章代碼(AID): #1ECO823_ (Rainbow)