[新聞] 110715 Rainbow在練習後難得的休息時間

On July 14th, Rainbow shared a new set of photos while taking a break
from practice.
在7月14號, Rainbow 在練習後休息時分享了一個新系列的照片.
Pictured in their rehearsal room, the girls are eating snacks and
autographing CDs. Member Woori is covering her face with a large puppy
cushion while Hyunyoung playfully pretends to bite on her ear.
照片是在練習室裡拍的, 女孩們吃著餅乾並為唱片簽名. 成員佑麗拿大的小狗
坐墊遮住臉的同時, 賢榮也開玩笑地假裝要咬她的耳朵.
Fans commented, “I want that cushion”, “All so adorable”, and
“Let’s share the yummy food!”
粉絲評論, "我想要那個墊子", "都好可愛", 以及 "也分給我吃那個美味食物
The girls are currently preparing for their Japanese advancement.
From allkpop
原文連結 http://goo.gl/9Xlg6
系列圖在 #1E7mUxR1
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★ ★ █ ◣ █ █ █ ▋██ █▆◤ ███ ███ ★ ★
Kim Jae Kyung Koh Woo Ri Cho Hyun Young Kim Ji Sook
φwindyhorse No Eul Oh Seung A Jung Yoon Hye
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※ 編輯: loveme00835 來自: (07/15 22:14)
Rainbow 近期熱門文章
PTT偶像團體區 即時熱門文章