[新聞] SECRET, T-ara & Rainbow, 進軍日本的눠…

看板Rainbow作者 (高金素箍)時間13年前 (2011/07/11 23:56), 編輯推噓0(000)
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With KARA and SNSD at the forefront of girl group advancements in Japan, there’s a second wave of girl groups heading over, and they’re none other than T-ara, Rainbow, and SECRET! 跟著進軍日本的女團先驅 KARA 和 SNSD, 第二波女團韓流來襲了, 她們正是 T-ara, Rainbow, 以及 SECRET! All three groups are currently scheduled for back-to-back debuts in August and September. T-ara previously held their debut showcase at the AX HALL and managed to bring in 2,000 fans and over 300 different Japanese media outlets like Fuji TV, Nihon TV, NHK, and Yomiuri News. T-ara is scheduled for a debut in September with “Bo Peep Bo Peep“. 這三個女團接二連三地排定了在八月以及九月出道. T-ara日前在AX HALL舉辦了她 們的出道showcase, 吸引了近2千名粉絲和超過300家日本媒體如 Fuji TV, Nihon TV, NHK, and Yomiuri News, T-ara預計在九月以"Bo Peep Bo Peep"出道. SECRET followed the day after at the Laforet Museum with the same number of fans and journalists from media outlets. SECRET will be debuting a month ahead of T-ara on August 3rd with “Madonna”. SECRET 隔天在 Laforet Museum 的公演也有著相同數量的粉絲還有媒體記者. SECRET 比T-ara提早一個月, 在8月3日以 "Madonna" 出道 Rainbow, who recently wrapped up their Korean promotions, will be debuting in September with their hit track, “A“. The girls are currently in the midst of shooting for their album jacket cover and music video. Already known for being labelmates to KARA, Rainbow’s debut is one of the most anticipated yet. Rainbow, 最近正值她們在韓國的宣傳期, 將以日文單曲 "A" 在9月出道, 女孩們正在 拍攝單曲MV和專輯封面, 為人所知的 KARA 師妹 Rainbow, 他們的出道也是最受矚目的 焦點之一. Pop culture critic Kang Tae Gyu said, “The Japanese market has become the foundation of the Hallyu wave. It’s a country of sensation, and a lot of Korean girl groups are advancing with speed to join the Hallyu wave.” 流行樂文化評論者姜泰圭表示: "日本市場已然成為韓流的基石. 這是造成全國轟動的, 很多韓國女團正迅速的加入這波韓流熱潮. From allkpop 若翻得不好請多指教, 囧rz... -- ★ ★ ███ ███ █▌█ ██◣ ███ ▋▋█ █▂█ █▃█ ███ █▆█ █▄█ ███ █ ◣ █ █ ▋██ █▆◤ ███ ███ Kim Jae Kyung Koh Woo Ri Cho Hyun Young Kim Ji Sook φwindyhorse No Eul Oh Seung A Jung Yoon Hye -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: loveme00835 來自: (07/11 23:59) ※ loveme00835:轉錄至看板 T-ara 07/12 00:00
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