[情報] 因AK流感 愛爾蘭演出延期

看板RHCPs作者 (不流汗)時間7年前 (2016/12/20 07:24), 編輯推噓2(205)
留言7則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
希望AK早日康復 :( https://goo.gl/jx3VbC Red Hot Chili Peppers · DUBLIN SHOWS POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER 2017 We are so sorry that we cannot come to Dublin as planned for the next few days. Anthony has been fighting off the flu all week and after the show last night it was clear that he has to stop touring and recover, hence the decision to push back the shows to next year. Both shows have been rescheduled to September 20th and 21st 2017 with tickets valid for the new dates as below. Tickets for Tuesday 20th December will be valid for Wednesday 20th September Tickets for Wednesday 21st December will be valid for Thursday 21st September 下方粉絲留言表示12/18在的演出中,似乎就異狀了 Jerome Finos 「We noticed that something was wrong with Anthony yesterday night at The O2 Arena in London : he did several mistakes on several songs, he took a long break between each songs to talk with the rest of the band, he seemed to have problems with its ears, it looked like he changed the setlist during the concert...」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RHCPs/M.1482189893.A.EF6.html

12/21 02:56, , 1F
現場覺得有一兩首歌間奏完Anthony沒有跟上 另外有一
12/21 02:56, 1F

12/21 02:57, , 2F
首歌直接走下台跟工作人員討論很久 Goodbye Angels 看
12/21 02:57, 2F

12/21 02:57, , 3F
小抄唱 但整體還是超級嗨 尤其有唱Scar Tissue 都要哭
12/21 02:57, 3F

12/21 02:57, , 4F
12/21 02:57, 4F

12/22 21:37, , 5F
辛苦AK了 感謝樓上分享現場花絮啊啊啊~~
12/22 21:37, 5F

01/07 21:54, , 6F
01/07 21:54, 6F

01/07 21:54, , 7F
01/07 21:54, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #1OM6n5xs (RHCPs)