[皇后] Keep Yourself Alive

看板Queen作者 (南屯史塔克)時間11年前 (2012/12/01 18:38), 編輯推噓5(507)
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Keep Yourself Alive 專輯:Queen(1973) 作曲:Brian May 類別:Rock 長度:3:45 Freddie:"a very good way of telling people what Queen was about in those days" 根據 Queen: The Early Years 一書作者的說法,"Keep Yourself Alive"這首歌在1970完 成時是由木吉他開頭的(對了,當時的團員只有吉他手 Brian May,主唱 Freddie Mercury 和鼓手 Roger Taylor) Brian另外還說了這首歌本來是要帶有諷刺和開玩笑的味道,不過被Freddie唱過後就完全 改變了(是說太帥嗎XD?) 第一版本的"Keep Yourself Alive"是在1971年的De Lane Lea錄音室完成的,前奏是木吉 他演奏,中間還多了一段Queen專輯沒有的電吉他solo,歌詞也有小小的不同。雖然這個版 本的品質沒有後來得好,不過依然是Brian的最愛。 我們最常聽到的Queen專輯版本則是由Mike Stone混音、三叉戟錄音室錄製的。"two steps nearer to my grave"這段歌詞則是從Roger變成Brian來唱。(難得聽到Brian這麼痞的聲 音) 第三版比較少見,1975年錄製的"Long-Lost Retake"版本,一開始是要當作美版的單曲, 不過最後還是用了Queen專輯版本。和第二版不同處在於更多層次的合聲跟電吉他配音(雖 然我完全聽不出來...)。 De Lane Lea版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1ykD1kbIb4
Queen專輯版(重點-Roger的小背心) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JofwEB9g1zg
Long-Lost Retake版 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNYqE5dKqF0
歌詞(Queen專輯版) I was told a million times Of all the troubles in my way How I had to keep on trying Little better ev'ry day But if I crossed a million rivers And I rode a million miles Then I'd still be where I started Bread and butter for a smile Well I sold a million mirrors In a shop in Alley Way But I never saw my face In any window any day Well they say your folks are telling you To be a super star But I tell you just be satisfied To stay right where you are Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive It'll take you all your time and a money Honey you'll survive Well I've loved a million women In a belladonic haze And I ate a million dinners Brought to me on silver trays Give me ev'rything I need To feed my body and my soul And I'll grow a little bigger Maybe that can be my goal I was told a million times Of all the people in my way How I had to keep on trying And get better ev'ry day But if I crossed a million rivers And I rode a million miles Then I'd still be where I started Still be where I started Keep yourself alive keep yourself alive It'll take you all your time and money honey You'll survive Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive It'll take you all your time and money To keep me satisfied Do you think you're better ev'ry day No I just think I'm two steps nearer to my grave Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive mm You take your time and take your money Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive All you people keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive It'll take you all your time and a money To keep me satisfied Keep yourself alive Keep yourself alive All you people keep yourself alive Take you all your time and money honey You will survive Keep you satisfied Keep you satisfied -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/01 18:41, , 1F
上禮拜都在準備考試所以沒時間做@@ 不過也都只是簡單介紹一下
12/01 18:41, 1F

12/01 21:57, , 2F
12/01 21:57, 2F

12/01 21:59, , 3F
我也覺得有點諷刺,因為唱了這麼多句"Keep yourself alive"
12/01 21:59, 3F

12/01 22:03, , 4F
然後問Do you think you're better every day?
12/01 22:03, 4F

12/01 22:04, , 5F
結果回答是:No I just think I'm two steps
12/01 22:04, 5F

12/01 22:06, , 6F
nearer to my grave......頗幽默的
12/01 22:06, 6F

12/01 22:11, , 7F
12/01 22:11, 7F

12/02 00:17, , 8F
想要慢慢來~~ 不要到時候完全沒梗就囧了
12/02 00:17, 8F
※ 編輯: Derp 來自: (12/02 00:19)

12/02 01:22, , 9F
12/02 01:22, 9F

12/02 01:32, , 10F
感謝你阿(跪)~! 慢慢來就可以了
12/02 01:32, 10F

12/02 06:05, , 11F
Long-Lost Retake版的好棒!!
12/02 06:05, 11F

12/02 06:06, , 12F
12/02 06:06, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1GkTuztf (Queen)
文章代碼(AID): #1GkTuztf (Queen)