[情報] 賈伯對紀念傳奇人物等商業產物不以為然
今天談的也是個小舊聞 (上個月的新聞)
前陣子某個傢伙出版了"John Lennon Letters Book"
他認為偉大的人物或團體, 有其時空發展背景,
當時代改變後, 若還常高呼對這些傢伙的緬懷或紀念
彷彿活在過去世代, 甚至研究探討這些傢伙說過的話,
寫過的文章, 做過的事等個人隱私...
賈伯認為孩子們擁有他們自己無限的未來, 他們應向前看
(上述大意若有誤解, 還請高手協助修正)
Title: I Love The Beatles But It’s Time To Move On:
Jarvis Cocker Reviews John Lennon Letters Book
Jarvis Cocker has reviewed the latest book to be have been published about
The Beatles. 'The John Lennon Letters', edited by Hunter Davies, is a
collection of missives from the late Beatles’ songwriter, dating from
between 1951 and 1980. Cocker questions the real value in these pop history
artefacts, drawing attention to the fact that the source material was largely
sourced from private collections; from people who have paid vast sums of money
to own a piece of Lennon’s personal history and the former Pulp singer asks
whether the books say more about the culture of collecting pop memorabilia
than the words of the letters can ever say themselves.
“I love the Beatles. I haven't named any kids after them but I still really
love them,” says Cocker and he painfully recalls the way in which the
‘Britpop’ era was damaged by that very nostalgia that permeates collections
such as this. “Wearing the same clothes and taking the same drugs will not
make us into Beatles. It will make us fat and ill. And books like this
(along with many others, I admit) are what make that mistake possible.
The Beatles didn't know they were the Beatles. The Beatles didn't have a plan
or a blueprint to follow. They followed their impulses and vague hunches and
somehow left a legacy of 213 songs with scarcely a dud among them.
That's all the information you need, really.”
In essence, Cocker describes the hoarde of surviving Beatles fans as
“the children of the echo” and suggests that we should all “get a life”
and “move on,” rather than obsessing over trivia such as is contained herein.
另附上賈伯詳細全文(蠻長的, 有興趣的可以看看)
Title: The John Lennon Letters, edited by Hunter Davies - review
那大家慢慢看囉! 多多討論喔!
ps: 又到了簡單生活節日子了, 4年前的美好時光現在想起來還是另人無法置信
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12/03 13:16, , 1F
12/03 13:16, 1F
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