賈伯訪談:Mail on Sunday & Q雜誌

看板Pulp作者 (J. H.)時間16年前 (2009/05/15 22:43), 編輯推噓5(501)
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Mail On Sunday有一篇蠻有料的賈伯訪談可以看: http://tinyurl.com/r8939o 內文十分之長,所以恕我就不把它翻譯出來了。 幾個重點: 1. 賈伯談到他對夏天的喜愛,還有他一些關於夏天渡假的美好回憶。 比較妙的是他帶兒子去渡假釣魚時,企圖用木棍綁一條線加條蟲了事, 被兒子識破:"Dad, this isn't really proper fishing, is it?" XDDD 2. 賈伯認為男生在夏天的衣著是很容易突槌的,並描述穿短褲的自己像蚱蜢XDD "I've tried walking around in shorts, but it's not a good look on me. In a pair of shorts I resemble a very large grasshopper." (XDDDDD) 還有這句也超妙: "You won't find me sauntering around a beach in a pair of trunks. I'd look totally ridiculous and people would laugh at me. It's good to know your limits. Swimming trunks might work for the George Michaels of the world, but they don't work for me." 3. 記者談到賈伯受訪時的穿著,賈伯不忘補充大家看不到的地方: He adds helpfully, 'I'm also wearing American Apparel Y-fronts. Not boxers. I find that boxers provide insufficient support.' 4. 小時候的賈伯常被欺負,與爸爸從小拋棄他們有關,還有就是媽媽會讓他穿一種 叫做lederhosen的短褲上學... (好奇這是什麼的人...可參考http://tinyurl.com/qzrxlk) 5. 打從五歲得了差點讓他送命的腦膜炎之後,賈伯就一直戴眼鏡。 6. 有很長一段在談Pulp的心酸血淚史跟走紅的過程。 7. 最後面有他談最難忘的三個Festival: THE SHEFFIELD SHOW (Sheffield, 1979) 'My first festival. I was heavily into punk at the time, but I was only 15, so I wasn't allowed into clubs. The Sheffield Show would let anyone in. It was an odd line-up which included the Dooleys and an early version of Def Leppard. I left before Keith Harris and Orville came on - I was hungry, so I went home for some bread and jam.' GLASTONBURY (1995) 'The Stone Roses pulled out at the last minute, so Pulp were drafted in to headline. Common People had only been out for a few weeks and we had no idea just how popular we'd become. When we went into that song and the whole crowd belted out the words, it almost knocked me out. An amazing moment.' THE MIGHTY BOOSH FESTIVAL (Hop Farm, Kent, 2008) 'I came on between Gary Numan and the Charlatans to do a DJ set. Thinking I was being clever I played a steel-band version of Cars. But it was very windy and the needle kept flying off. It sounded great to me. It was an ideal festival. Not too big, and people dressed in funny costumes.' 另外,台灣新上架的Q雜誌(Oasis的Noel當封面)也有一篇賈伯訪談,我沒有買, 只是在誠品站著翻完了XD 印象中的重點有以下這些,大家可以參考看看再決定要不要買: 1. 訪談者描述賈伯「像是從1974年時空旅行而來的地理老師,到現代來找沒交作業的 學生」,這句害我在誠品櫃台憋笑憋得好痛苦。XDDDDD 2. 他說以前早期交往的對象,對於賈伯會把關於relationship或是sex的想法放在歌裡 很不爽。賈伯坦誠自己私下一向都不擅於跟交往對象溝通,常只是把想法寫進歌裡。 3. 除了說會去海德公園看模糊之外,賈伯也談到Oasis,說他覺得Liam Gallagher很有自 己一套獨特的魅力,就算站在那雙手放背後,大家還是會想看他表演。至於自己,他說他 得比Liam努力個十倍,大家才會對他的表演有興趣。(才不是這樣呢賈伯!) 4. 之前那篇說不會重組Pulp的報導就是從Q訪談出來的,但其實他並沒有說得那麼武斷。 他事實上說了"I'm prone to it"這樣的句子。他談到在youtube上看到以前的影片,令他 有些懷念。只是他一向喜歡唱反調,所以如果大家都叫他重組,他反而會不想,這裡報導 裡就有quote了。XD 訪談另有帥照數張,同期Q後面還有一篇4顆星的Further Complications樂評, 評價蠻高的,並附帥照一張。 以上。:D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: footballitis 來自: (05/15 22:49)

05/15 23:09, , 1F
感謝分享, 希望真的還有重組的一絲絲機會啊!
05/15 23:09, 1F

05/15 23:17, , 2F
05/15 23:17, 2F

05/15 23:34, , 3F
很棒的整理~!! 我想被地理老師賈伯用手指指指~~ XD
05/15 23:34, 3F

05/15 23:38, , 4F
05/15 23:38, 4F

05/16 00:09, , 5F
05/16 00:09, 5F

05/16 01:08, , 6F
05/16 01:08, 6F
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