[閒聊] Pulp---Babies

看板Pulp作者 (Koyaaniqatsi)時間15年前 (2008/12/24 21:53), 編輯推噓4(402)
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Youtube 上寫說這是Original的MV版本,反正有胸毛就贏了 http://raincats.blogspot.com/2008/12/pulp-babies.html Well it happened years ago When you lived on Stanhope Road. We listened to your sister when she came home from school 'cos she was two years older and she had boys in her room. We listened outside and heard her. Alright. 在幾年前吧 妳還住在史丹霍街 在你老姐放學後 咱們總把耳朵附在她門邊 因為他比妳大個兩歲 還總會有個男人待在她房裡 我們就在外面偷聽她XX的聲音,好耶! Well that was alright for a while but soon I wanted more. I want to see as well as hear and so I hid inside her wardrobe. And she came round four and she was with some kid called David, from the garage up the road, I listened outside I heard her. Alright. 那陣子還真的滿爽的 但不久我就更貪得無饜了 光聽聲音哪有什麼 我還想親眼看這動作片 所以我偷偷躲在她的衣櫃 我等了到四點,她果真帶個男孩回房間 他叫做大衛 就住在街邊車庫裡的那傢伙 我盡情地偷聽她的聲音 嘿嘿! Oh I want to take you home. I want to give you children. You might be my girlfriend, yeah. 喔我真想帶你回家 想跟妳生個小鬼 妳也許真能變成我馬子~~喔喔喔喔耶!!! When I saw you next day I really couldn't tell 'cos you might go and tell your mother. And so you went with Neve and Neve was coming on And I thought I heard you laughing when his Mum and Dad were gone. I listened outside, I heard you. Alright. 隔天早上遇見妳 我哪敢跟妳講昨晚的事 她要跑去跟妳老媽告狀 我不死定了 結果妳跑去尼夫他家 待到他爸媽都出門時 我開始聽見妳喀喀地笑 因為我就在門外 妳的聲音我聽得一清二楚,我靠... Oh I want to take you home. I want to give you children. You might be my girlfriend, yeah. 喔我真想帶你回家 想跟妳生個小鬼 妳也許真能變成我馬子~~喔喔喔喔耶!!! Well I guess it couldn't last too long. I came home one day and all her things were gone, I fell asleep inside. I never heard her come. And then she opened up her wardrobe and I had to get it on. Oh, listen we were on the bed when you came home, I heard you stop outside the door. I know you won't believe it's true, I only went with her 'cos she looks like you, my god!! 看來感情的事倒很難持久的 我某天回家發現她把東西搬得空空的 我在衣櫃裡等到睡昏頭 壓根沒聽到她回門的聲響 當她一打開衣櫃 我馬上加滿油門 跟妳說喔 妳回家時我跟她正在床上哩 我也聽到妳就站在門外 妳當然會覺得這簡直天方夜譚 但我跟她炒飯,只是因為妳們長得有像.....老天這理由真 爛! Oh I want to take you home, I want to give you children. You might be my girlfriend, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! OOOOOOOH~~~yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ! 喔我真想帶你回家 想跟妳生個小鬼 妳也許真能變成我馬子~~喔喔喔喔耶!!! 耶 耶耶 耶耶耶~~~ 耶 耶耶 耶耶耶~~~ 耶 耶耶 耶耶耶~~~ 耶~~~~~~~ (p.s. Jarvis的睫毛好長啊) -- “在夢境中的邊緣掙扎,把沈默的空氣當作懲罰,不想在消費世界中退卻 ,當熟悉的風裡又想起,難道我還在這地方" <偏執狂的論文> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: dakota 來自: (12/24 21:57)

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這首是我的Pulp TOP3 >///<
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文章代碼(AID): #19KZxGiw (Pulp)
文章代碼(AID): #19KZxGiw (Pulp)