[閒聊] 亂翻譯之"don't let him waste your time"

看板Pulp作者 (Koyaaniqatsi)時間15年前 (2008/12/23 23:10), 編輯推噓5(504)
留言9則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
最近很苦悶 就找些喜歡的歌曲胡亂翻譯一番 這支MV我想大家也會很喜歡, 再次獻醜請多多指教呀..... http://raincats.blogspot.com/2008/12/blog-post_23.html Well you can stay all night if you want to you can hang out with all of his friends you can go and meet his mother and father you better make sure that's where it ends cause baby, there is one thing you gotta know.... 帥斃運將: 妳要去呆整晚也沒問題 與他所有朋友瞎混也無訪 妳也許還能會會他的爸媽 但最好妳確定事情像你想得一樣 因為妹子啊,妳一定要搞懂一件事---- let him read your palm and guess your sign. let him take you home and treat you fine.... but baby, don't let him waste your time don't let him waste your time 讓他看看妳掌紋,猜猜妳是啥星座 讓他帶你回家,讓妳溫柔好好地過 但妹子,妳得確定他不會浪費妳的青春啊 別讓他浪費妳的青春唄 Cause the years fly by in an instant and you wonder what he's waiting for and then some skinny bitch walks by in some hotpants and he's running out the door so remember that one thing that you gotta know... 時鐘滴答滴答走 妳還搞不懂他在躑躅個什麼 只要來個苗條辣妹穿個熱褲走過 他就跑出門去大享眼福 所以切記啊 妳一定得好好搞懂 let him read your palm and guess your sign let him take you home and treat you so fine but baby, don't let him waste your time don't let him waste your time... 讓他看看妳掌紋,猜猜妳是啥星座 讓他帶你回家,讓妳溫柔好好地過 但妹子,妳得確定他不會浪費妳的青春啊 You ain't getting no younger and you've got nothing to show so tell him that it's now or never and then go go go go go!!! 誰都不能返老還童 而妳的籌碼絕不會變多 去跟他攤牌吧 要就好好在一起 要就分個徹底 豁出去! 豁出去! 別再矜持啦! he can have his space and he can take his time and he can kiss ya where the sun don't shine but baby, don't let him waste your time don't let him waste your time... 他還有自己的空間可以慢慢來 偶而在晚上跟妳親親嘴也無妨 但女孩啊,別浪費時間在他身上 別把青春給虛擲啦 (加上一 千張罰單) -- “在夢境中的邊緣掙扎,把沈默的空氣當作懲罰,不想在消費世界中退卻 ,當熟悉的風裡又想起,難道我還在這地方" <偏執狂的論文> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/24 00:26, , 1F
XD 好大叔的口吻 有生動
12/24 00:26, 1F

12/24 02:35, , 2F
12/24 02:35, 2F

12/24 05:28, , 3F
其實很多電影用到開車藍幕 但這支MV作得好真
12/24 05:28, 3F

12/24 08:46, , 4F
12/24 08:46, 4F

12/24 12:40, , 5F
感謝! 這兩字我想了半天:)
12/24 12:40, 5F
※ 編輯: dakota 來自: (12/24 12:40) ※ 編輯: dakota 來自: (12/24 12:41)

12/24 13:18, , 6F
12/24 13:18, 6F

01/20 23:18, , 7F
01/20 23:18, 7F

01/20 23:19, , 8F
但我覺得skinny bitch也要直接翻出來更傳神XD
01/20 23:19, 8F

01/23 20:29, , 9F
唉呀 這我真是不好意思啊XD
01/23 20:29, 9F
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