[影音] Paramore - Running Out Of Time

看板Paramore作者 ( )時間1年前 (2023/07/09 23:54), 編輯推噓0(000)
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-- Lyrics: Said I was gonna take some flowers to my neighbor but I ran out of time Didn’t wanna show up to the party empty handed But I ran out of time Said I’d walk the dog a little further than the driveway tonight The extra mile Thought I’d send a card with my condolences but damn I Just ran out of time Intentions only get you so far What if I’m just a selfish prick? No regard I’m always running out of time Nevermind I hit the snooze on my alarm twenty times But I was just so tired There was traffic Spilled my coffee Crashed my car Otherwise Woulda been here on time Shoulda Coulda Wouldn’t matter Ultimate alibi You know it’s a lie There was a fire! (Metaphorically) Be there in 5! (Hyperbolically) Intentions only get you so far (It was on my list I swear I meant to get to it) A harsh reality to discover I’m always running out of time Why we gotta be in a rush? My watch is just for decoration Look I showed up early for once Now that’s a new sensation We’re always running out of Time She’s always running out of time We’re always running out of time She’s always running out of time We’re always running out of time -- .__ .__ .__ .__ .__ | |__ ____ | | |__| ______| |__ |__| ____ ____ | | \ / _ \ | | | | / ___/| | \ | | / \ / ___\ | Y \( <_> )| |__| | \___ \ | Y \| || | \/ /_/ > |___| / \____/ |____/|__|/____ >|___| /|__||___| /\___ / \/ \/ \/ \//_____/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Paramore/M.1688918048.A.B87.html
文章代碼(AID): #1agjWWk7 (Paramore)
文章代碼(AID): #1agjWWk7 (Paramore)