[情報] 一篇Hayley的專訪

看板Paramore作者 (一人一根雞翅膀)時間14年前 (2010/11/17 02:02), 編輯推噓3(302)
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因為有訂閱官網的mailing list,所以看到這篇訪問 有翻譯了一下 Hayley Williams of Paramore Interviewed by Nate Ruess of fun. Not many people know this about you....but you're illiterate. That means YOU CAN'T READ. Ah who am I kidding. All you're seeing are squiggly lines. What's that all about? 採訪者:有件事很少人知道,就是......你不識字。那代表你沒辦法閱讀。開什麼玩笑!那 你閱讀的時候看到的就是一堆歪七扭八的線囉?那是什麼感覺?!(或是「這是怎麼回事?!」 吧?) iehsikejd skxjj eh oshhv catdog 黑李:&&$#)(&$#&*)$#&#)&)( Moving along...you've spent a lot of time in cyberspace talking about how awesome I am. Go on... 採訪者:下一題。你在網路上花了很多時間說我很酷,再多說點吧。 Nate is a really great guy. When he wears suspenders he looks like one of the newsies. I think he should sell zines to fans waiting in the line at shows. "Extree! Extree! Bieber shaves head. World explodes." 黑李:Nate(採訪者)是個好人。他穿吊帶褲的時候看起來像個報童。我覺得他應該要賣雜 誌給排隊看表演的歌迷。「號外!號外!Justin Bieber剃光頭了!地球爆炸了!」 I'm always impressed with the way you treat everyone, no matter who they are. You seem to always make time to be gracious. Where did that come from? 採訪者: 你對待任何人都很好,讓我印象很深刻。而且你總是很有禮貌,為什麼呢? I don't really know... Maybe I just want to be liked. I feel grateful anyone cares at all. Life is a huge opportunity to interact with people completely different than you and find out you have even one thing in common. But if someone is a dick to me or someone I love, mama's gon' find you and take you down. 黑李:不確定欸......或許我只是想討人喜歡。有人理我我就會很感激。生命給我們很多 機會,讓我們與許多不同的人接觸,然後找到你們的共通點。可是,如果有人敢惹我或是 我愛的人,老娘就跟他槓上了。 You guys are all incredible at your instruments. When you're writing a song, does it immediately sound THAT good? Or is Zac actually a hologram? 採訪者: Paramore的團員都玩得一手好樂器,你寫歌的時候,馬上就能讓歌變得很好聽嗎 ?還是因為Zac的關係呢? (不確定意思) Nah, it just immediately sounds that good. 黑李:不是。馬上就超好聽。 You realize that if you and I ever did a duet, I would try my best to turn it into a duel. At which point we would just end up sounding like monkeys fighting over a banana. 採訪者:如果我們合作的話,我一定會盡全力跟你競爭,你知道吧?最終我們看起會像兩隻 爭奪香蕉的猴子。 So whaddya say? 黑李:你說怎麼樣呢?(應該是問「合作」這個想法) Have you ever seen the VH1 Divas live with Celine Dion and Aretha Franklin? 採訪者:你有看過Celine Dion跟Aretha Fraklin的VH1 live演唱會嗎? I hope it's a lot like that. Which was a lot like watching a Die Antwoord music video. 黑李: (看不懂XD) FMK - Lifetime, H2O, Snapcase? 採訪者: F**k, Marry, Kill,給你三個選項: Lifetime, H2O跟Snapcase Oh no... Ok... It goes like this: Snapcase (cause I have a thing for angry sounding dudes - only in song, of course), H2O (cause they're sweethearts), and Lifetime (I love Jersey's Best Dancers, great record, but killing them is the only option I'm left with. They'll get over it.) 黑李:喔不...好吧。依序是這樣:snapcase(因為我特別喜歡聲音很憤怒的男生,當然只有 唱歌的時候啦),H2O(因為他們很帥),Lifetime(我喜歡Jersey的Best Dancers,超好聽 的。不過只剩下Kill這個選項了。他們會釋懷的。(XDDDD)) We loved touring with you guys, you're all so nice, and it feels like a giant family that welcomes everyone. But whenever there was food at the venue, it was ALWAYS bbq! And you guys would act so surprised. Like "bbq again?" - that's a front right? 採訪者:我們超愛跟Paramore一起巡演,你們人都超好的!而且像個歡迎所有人的大家庭一 樣。可是每次有食物可以吃,永遠都是烤肉!然後你們會一副很驚訝的樣子,「又是烤肉 ?!」你們只是做做樣子對吧? I don't have the slightest idea what you're referring to... *shifty eyes* 黑李:我完全不知道你在說什麼耶(裝無辜) Have you ever seen Ke$ha perform at an after party at some douchy nightclub in a casino? 採:你有在賭場裡附設的三流夜店裡面,看過K$SHA的慶功派對表演嗎? Weird question, I know, but it's a standard question when I interview people. Why yes, yes I have. Wait, actually, you were there. Yeah, I remember now... We actually decided to go and see her so that you could "show her where the dick is at." Remember that? 黑李:我知道這是個怪問題,不過,在做採訪的時候,這問題是一定要問的(XDD)。哎呀, 還真的有勒,我真的看過。等一下,你也在現場阿。嗯,我想起來了...... 我們決定要 去看她,就是因為你要秀給他看你的那個(尺度好大啊XD),記得吧? Since you are bringing us to the UK with Paramore and B.o.B, I was wondering if you'd ask him if I could sing the hook on that one Weezer one? 採訪者:你們Paramore要跟B.o.B一起去英國,既然這樣,可以幫我問他一下嗎?讓我唱他 跟weezer唱的那首歌。(不確定,但反正也不重要XD) Yeah I will. But that doesn't mean you're as good of a singer as me just because you got to sing with Bob too. You're Celine... I'm Aretha. 黑李:好阿。但那不代表你歌唱的跟我一樣好。你是Celine,我是Aretha。 This is my last question, thank you so much for your time...Give us a REAL embarrassing story about Taylor. 採訪者:最後一問。謝謝你抽空受訪。爆一個Taylor的料吧。 There is one that if I told you, he'd probably never speak to me again. Taylor talks and walks in his sleep. 黑李:跟你說這個的話,他可能不會再理我了。Taylor會夢遊。 -- 採訪者好像是同公司的藝人吧,不然訪談怎麼這麼不正經XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nbmrockon 來自: (11/17 02:03) ※ 編輯: nbmrockon 來自: (11/17 02:04) ※ 編輯: nbmrockon 來自: (11/17 02:06)

11/17 12:11, , 1F
XD 這我也有看到 沒想到你居然全翻
11/17 12:11, 1F

11/17 12:26, , 2F
因為看篇幅蠻小的 但沒想到根本是閒聊文
11/17 12:26, 2F

11/21 04:41, , 3F
11/21 04:41, 3F

11/21 12:13, , 4F
應該是玩笑話 不識字怎麼可能寫歌啊XD
11/21 12:13, 4F

11/21 21:42, , 5F
不太可能不識字吧...Hayley還有Twitter耶 難道要請人幫寫
11/21 21:42, 5F
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